I did my periodic table on Candy. I brainstormed 30 different candies and then described them all. The descriptions I used were company, price, flavour, wether it was chocolate, hard candy, or gummy, and how much sugar the candy has in it. The descriptions I used to group the candies were there company, price, and wether it was hard candy, chocolate, or gummy. The first row on my table belongs to the Nestlè company and has three chocolates, one hard candy, and one gummy. The second row belongs to Mars company and has three chocolates, one hard candy, and one gummy. The third row belongs to the Hershey company and has three chocolates, one hard candy, and one gummy. The fourth row belongs to Mondelez and has three chocolates, one hard candy, and one gummy. The fifth row belongs to and has three chocolates, one hard candy, and one gummy. The last row belongs to Wringley and has three chocolates, one hard candy, and one gummy.