Welcome to my SL- I Mean tPOL

Welcome to my transitional post of learning, where I’m gonna try to convince you that I’m ready for the next, and in fact, final year of high school. Do I believe that I am ready for the final year of high school? Absolutely. Now let my tell you why I think this.

Every year of PLP, since I joined in the ninth grade, has proven to be a success. I personally feel that I’ve not only grown as a learner, but matured as a person, through my three years in this program. This year has shown some exponential growth in my abilities to speak publicly, investigate deeper into topics and reach a stronger understanding, strengthen my work habits, and commit to my goals set in my previous SLC.
I’d like to start by reflecting on my growth as a learner. I believe that by taking one look at my blog this year, then comparing it to my blog from last year, the growth is obvious. I’ve learned to investigate our driving questions in much more depth, and expand on that learning in my blog posts. A few blog posts from this year that I think clearly represent this are my Concept blog post, Nuclear Fear blog post, Italian D-Day Netherlands blog post, Winter Exhibition blog post, Hanford movie post, and my World War I Soldier Diary blog post. All of these blog posts are just a few examples from my learning portfolio that I believe show a strong understanding of the learning, and my growth as a learner. These posts also represent my strength in working as a team, responsibility, and high quality work.

Radiophobia: How the Fear of Nuclear Power is Killing Our Enviroment

Power and Authority: An Investigation into Concepts

I’d now like to focus on my work ethic, and how it’s changed since last year. I feel that this year I’ve become a lot more determined to do good work, and be proud of the work I do. Of the blog posts noted earlier, I am very proud of each and every one. This is because of the amount of work I have been allocating to school this year is considerably more than I have ever put in before. I can honestly say that every single day for the past two months, I have come home and done homework from the moment I get home until I go to sleep, with breaks from diner and   short relaxing periods. I have had to learn to manage this mentally, as it has caused an incredible amount of stress in my life. This is an important skill that I’ve learned this year, and one that will stay with me in the real world. Managing my work and time has been very difficult, as each teacher expects their students to prioritize their classes. I have had to learn to balance my classes, and focus on the work that is most important at that moment in time. Ill be honest, it has been very hard for me to prioritize this classes work at times, especially when I have exams and projects due left and right every single day. For example, in the past two weeks, I have had two chemistry final exams, two physics final exam, a physics unit test, a chemistry chapter test, a math test and two math exam, and a law project that I put a total of ten hours alone into. With all of this work, I have still managed to keep kept up on PLP work, and train for the triathlon I’m competing in this Sunday. This has forced me to do my homework from 3:00-9:30, and then go out to train into the night for the triathlon. This is why I firmly believe that my work ethic, determination, and work habits are at a very high level, and that this year has worked those habits and ethics to their core.

This concludes my tPOL post. I know that I am ready for the year ahead, and to set new goals for the learning year. The three goals I set in my last SLC, I have so far accomplished in excess. I am also very proud of myself for being awarded with the PLP award, which is something that has motivated my work for the past two years. Thank you for being with me through my journey in the Performance Learning Program.