Syme : A 1984 Character Study

Recently, our class has completed the reading of 1984 by George Orwell. This dystopian novel depicts a futuristic time period, compared to the date it was composed, in which an authoritarian government is in power. This book was authored in the hopes of bringing fear to the western world that comes with Communism. Written in 1949, Communism was prominent in the Soviet Union, China, and other parts of the world. George Orwell wanted the western world to understand the dangers of an extremist communist society. Of the many characters in the novel, Michael Sutherland, Nolan, Marley, and myself were assigned to analyze a single one of them. This character was Syme.

Our team was tasked to create a human sized paper character of Syme. Syme is an incredibly intellectual character in 1984 who works with Winston in the Ministry of Truth. He worked on a new addition of the Newspeak dictionary, which aims to remove descriptive words from the English language, and lower the intellectual capacity of all citizens. We have created our paper character to have a monocle and an impressive brain revealing neurological functions. Although he is so intellectually able, we have covered his mouth with duct tape. This represents his work in numbing the English language, and his lack of ability to speak out. He holds a pen and paper in his hands, symbolizing his work in the Ministry of Truth. Unfortunately, just as Winston predicted, Syme mysteriously disappears due to his impressive intellect. One day, “Syme had vanished. A morning came, and he was missing from work: a few thoughtless people commented on his absence. On the next day nobody mentioned him. On the third day Winston went into the vestibule of the Records Department to look at the notice-board. One of the notices carried a printed list of the members of the Chess Committee, of whom Syme had been one. It looked almost exactly as it had looked before – nothing had been crossed out – but it was one name shorter. It was enough. Syme had ceased to exist: he had never existed.” (Winston, Part 2, Chapter 5). Syme dedicated his life to the 11th edition to the New Speak Dictionary, and the government got rid of him like he was nothing. The irony runs deep with this, as the people of Oceana are oblivious to their amount of oppression.The gun shot in his neck represents his assassination due to this. Syme has a telescreen and a Big a Brother pin on his chest. This symbolizes his connection with Big Brother. On his waist is a copy of the New Speak Journal that he is developing. Syme has chains wrapped around each of his legs and weights holding down his feet. This symbolizes himself being held down by Big Brother unable to share his intellect.

Here is a green screen video we created using our paper character. The city background represents a modern atmosphere, symbolizing the futuristic setting of 1984. The neurological functions of his brain represent his intelligence. Here is our animation of Smye.