
Recently our PLP class completed the reading of “1984” by George Orwell. This novel depicts a futuristic time period where an authoritative, communist government called “Big Brother” is in power, and the world only exists of three massive super states that are constantly at war…

A Horror Movie In 17 Days

Shall I call it Macbeth 2.0? The least scariest movie in horror history? Or a complete and utter failure. For this horror unit we were tasked to create a horror movie as a class project, and we only had a measly timeline of two weeks,…

NFL/Puerto Rico Satire

To start off the school year we’ve been exploring the topic question: how does style and form impact meaning? Over the past month or so we’ve been working extensively on our reading and writing skills by doing a lot in class writing and other critical…

The End of A Great Year and The Beginning of A New Era

Throughout my high school career and my time at Seycove I’ve grown up so much as a person and I’ve developed immensely as a learner, and today I have prepared a few examples from my blog, as well as a couple of photos, to demonstrate…

Fear Factor

Third term in PLP has been extremely hectic, yet enjoyable and rewarding in the same sense. So far this school year we’ve looked at the Manhattan Project, WWI, The Depression, WWII, and other texts such as Three Day Road and Macbeth. However, after coming back…

Ultimate Victory

Over the last month or so we’ve been going peddle to the medal, learning a government/debate unit in class while reading and analyzing Lord of The Flies, and to be honest I don’t know if I’ve ever been more stressed out and busy in my…

Nuclear Fear – A Monster Made By Man

On August 6th, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb, Little Boy, over the Japanese city of Hiroshima: “The sky over Hiroshima became illuminated with a flash brighter and more powerful than the sun.” The explosion levelled 90% of the…

Lets Be Honest Here, Shakespeare Is The True Nature of Evil

Term two in P.L.P. was immensely frustrating, yet rewarding in the same sense. We were forced to push ourselves to the very brink of utter failure time and time again, bending but not breaking, and working harder than ever before. But you know what they…

My Diverse Canada

I’ve lived in Canada for my entire life and I’ve always known that I’m extremely lucky and privileged to live in such a beautiful and prestigious nation. To others, Canada is most well renowned for it’s freedom, equality and independence, but there’s actually so much…