Helmut Lemke – A Tail of True Grit and Resilience

It’s one thing to read about the harsh brutalities of war in a textbook or online, however, it’s a whole other experience to listen to the stories of someone who actually risked their own life and fought for their country. I remember as a young…

S.L… I Hope I Don’t Get a C

This year I’ve accomplished so much more then I ever thought I was capable of, and I’ve genuinely surprised myself time and time again with the work that I’ve produced. As the year has progressed I’ve seen myself evolving not only as a high performance…

The Ortona Tactic

If you’re an avid reader of my blog then you know we’ve been focusing on World War Two for quite some time, taking an in depth look at some of the significant battles, but specifically Canada’s contributions towards the war effort in Europe. Lately, we’ve been…

A Soldiers Account – Entry 218

World War Two was one of the largest armed conflicts in history, spanning the entire globe and involving more countries then ever before. It brought about an age of deadly mechanized warfare with the emergence of new weapons and technology, leaving the world in a…

Summer ’16

2016 was definitely a year to remember. I met so people and made a lot of unforgettable memories that will last me a life time. With that being said, the New Year is just starting, and I wanted to reflect on a few of the…

Fashion 101

Canadians emerged from the First World War not only proud and victorious, but eager to enjoy themselves and live life to the fullest. This exuberant time period, known as the roaring twenties, brought about a lot of significant changes in technology and entertainment. Cinemas, automobiles, radios…

Welcome to The Roaring ’20’s

If you’re a frequent reader of my blog, then you obviously know that I’m part of a special program called PLP. In the Performance Learning Program, we don’t just do tests, quizzes, and questions from a text book, but we strive to delve deeper and…

Breaking News – The Halifax Explosion

For this past week we had a sub in class, as Ms. Willemse was down in Oregon with the grade 8’s. When I first heard that Willemse would be away, my initial thoughts were that it was going to be an easy week. However, this…

Last Words Before Death – Entry 189

For this assignment, we had to become a Canadian soldier from World War One, and write a detailed diary entry from any point in their life. To do this effectively, we had to include tone and voice, and really adapt to the time period. In class…

Manhattan Project²

At the start of the school year we were introduced to a pivotal time period in history. A time of war, innovation, and the emergence of an Atomic Era. Our main focus in class was on the Manhattan project. I’m sure you’ve heard of it…