Summer has been great, like really great, but like all good things, there must come an end. The first week of school has been pretty good too though, mostly because of the PLP 10 trip to Camp Capilano. Yeah, that’s right, we went on an overnight field trip on the first week of school.

Image result for camp capilano

We left for Camp Capilano mid-day and we had a quick stop halfway there at the Capilano Dam. Here we were assigned our first project of the trip. First, let me give a little bit of context. Last year in PLP 9 we focused on visual video making, and this year we are focusing more on audio videos, so basically podcasts. Before we left for Camp Capilano we were shown some reality tv show intro scenes and we had to reflect on what type of person we thought each character was. This got us all thinking about how we can show a character’s personality, interests, and what type of person they from just an audio-less 2-5 second scene.


Firs, we were put into groups, my group consisted of Sam, Alex, Ryan, Willa, and myself. The challenge was to create our own mini reality tv show opener. We had to portray 10 different people, and each person’s personality and hobbies must be clear. First, we had to choose what type of tv show our characters were in. After a bit of thinking, we settled on a nature sports games event called  The Wilderness Games.


This was our video:

Later on, that day, after we arrived at camp Capilano, we were given our second assignment. This time our task was to create an audio only video, a podcast, of us introducing another ten characters. Each character had to have a distinct hobby or interest that the audience could easily pick up on, and we had to make it into a story.  My group and I decided to keep with the Wilderness Games theme and we set the story as the contestants getting interviewed before the event.

This was our audio:

I found this assignment much easier than the assignment before because here we didn’t have to worry about the visual scenes and editing.


Our third and final project was definitely the most challenging of them all. The task was to create a 4-minute podcast, and the center topic had to be about identity. We could take the story in any direction as we wanted (as long as it was approved by the teachers), I was in a group with Will and Ethan. The topic was very tricky, and my group and I had a lot of trouble coming up with a real story about identity, but in the end, we settled on how clothes have changed my identity. It took us a very long time to make the story, and we were up until past 1 in the morning. By that time most of the other groups had gone to bed, and I was starting to feel pretty sick and tired myself. This was our finished podcast:

This trip was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about teamwork and effort, and also how to make an awesome podcast about clothes.