Grade ten is the year of growth and discovery. It is the year students start to learn about the real world. It is the year that we start looking at jobs and our futures. Planning 10 is a unit all about helping students decide what to do with their future. The PLP 10 class has just started our second unit of planning. You can read about the first unit here. This unit is all about workplace safety and how to make sure you’re being safe and working safely at a job. This is very important to learn because when I get my job I will know I will be safe.

WorkSafeBC Home

We started out the unit by taking a quiz about our pre-existing work experience. But, since I haven’t had a job before (except for the occasional job for my parents around the house, but I don’t think that counts) I did not have to answer a lot of the quiz questions. After the quiz, we moved onto watching a video about youth workers and how inexperience and improper training can change and ruin their lives. The video gave the harsh reality of how dangerous a workplace can be, and it made me think how one mistake can change a person’s life forever.

After watching the video and reflecting on how I can make sure I can stay safe the class moved onto reading and researching about the rules and regulations between the job, the employer, and the employe. Unfortunately, just before this class, I fell quite ill with strep (fun!) and I missed almost all of the classes about work safety. So, since I was not at school I followed the class from home and did some further research on the WorkSafeBC website.



Then we were asked to create a piece of media that complements our own learning from the unit. I decided to do a reenactment of one of the workplace safety campaign ads. 

To create this picture I used the app PhotoShop mix.  First, I took a picture of me lying on the ground. Then I removed the background and inserted the picture of myself into the background. Then I edited the WorkSafeBC add banners to the picture.

I am really thankful that we got to learn about workplace safety.  I have learned to always stand up for my working rights, and to never attempt something that I have not learned properly or am not confident doing.  The knowledge and skills I have learned about safety are ones that I will take with me throughout my whole life.

Well, this is all for the unit so far, thanks for reading!