About Me
Hi internet, and whoever else may be looking at my learning portfolio! My name is Michael Van Laethem and I attend Seycove Secondary School in grade 10. I am in a special program called PLP, where students like me, and my peers get to implement tons of project-based learning assignments into our curriculum. This can vary between but is not limited to, movie making projects, hands-on physical projects, and deep thought inquiry projects. My learning portfolio is an example of this.
A big topic in PLP is identity, and recently I’ve been trying to find what my role is at Seycove. I have a quote that helps me follow my own path, rather than following the paths of my past friends and peers. The quote is: “There’s no greater freedom than the Freedom to be yourself. Give yourself that gift, and choose to surround yourself with those who appreciate you exactly as you truly are.”
Doe Zantamata
I have used some tools I have learned in PLP to make a short audio picture still of my quote and a picture that I think represents it. To draw the picture I used Sketches Pro, to make the background music I used GarageBand and to compose the background audio and to record the quote and edit it all together I used iMovie.
The picture I used for my quote is an album cover from one of my favorite artists.
With Sketches Pro I could sketch my own representation of the picture.
This is my finished product.
I chose this picture because I love being on the ocean, I sail with my family. Out on the water is a place where I can escape and feel free.
Feel free to explore my learning portfolio where I post my adventures with PLP!