Humanity’s SLC

Humanity’s SLC

In humanity’s I wrote a thing about why people climb mountains here it is.

Why people climb mountains

People club mountains because of many reasons. One of those many reasons is adventure. Lots of people climb mountains because of the adventure and the curiosity of what they will find. Mt Everest is the biggest mountain in the world and people are climbing it right now. Erik Weihenmayer climb Mt Everest for a huge adventure and he did it blind!. Eric climbed Mt Everest for inspiration and the adventure. He inspired people all around the world and caused a huge impact on achievement. Others climb mountains for different reasons like John Krakaour for research.
John Krackaour climbed Mt Everest to make a journal about it. He went to Outside Magazine and gave an idea of him climbing Mt Everest and making a journal about it. John wanted to climb Everest for all his life and making a journal about it is the perfect excuse for it. Outside Magazine paid him to climb Mt Everest and make a journal. John had to find a team or a person to climb with because this was his first time ever climbing Mt Everest. That is were John found Robb Hall.
Robb Hall was a New Zealand climber. He was on his fifth climb up Mt Everest with John Krackour. Robb was a leader in this climb. He unfortunately died in this climb from hypothermia. Robb climbed Mt Everest for the adventure. He also raised some awareness to show people what you can do.
Some people climb mountains because to get fit. A mountain expedition will put you in the best shape of your life. Ideally, you’d start training at 6-9 months before your climb. Having a clear reason to work out is a powerful motivator. Focusing your mind on your looming mission will keep you consistent. The training will likely put you in great shape. And then, there’s the climb. Your body will be consuming itself as the harsh conditions force you to burn to more calories than you can eat. You’ll be hard, strong, and incredibly ripped after a climb. Call it “the Mountaineering Cut.”
People climb mountains just too simply travel. People love to go see beautiful places around the world that the earth has to offer. People use it as the perfect excuse to go out and do something. People say mountains hide the most beautiful view on earth you just have to climb the mountain first.

Those are some of the many reasons why people climb mountains.
To create this creative writing I researched a lot about people and why they climb mountains. This assessment was based on a Mt Everest book that was called Into Thin Air. I found that my research was really good but my lay out could have had more work.

I think my skills in humanity’s are overall ok. I think my reading can use some work and my writing. Quizzes I think I am just fine at.

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