
I think dreams can come true. The reason why I think dreams can come true is because if you try hard to make that dream true it will mostly happen. Like I had a dream of getting a chance of the world junior Canadian hockey team and I think the dream is going to come true soon because I am really trying hard and I got scouts looking at me now. At same time I think dreams can be lies because if you dream so much about something I findout you just dream about it and then you get carried away in somthing that is just not possible. So for me I have really mixed feelings about dreams and how they can come true and how they can be just a big lie that your mind is getting into. But I think dreams can mostly come true. I think Romeos dream about Rosaline is ok because Romeo had a huge crush on her but he did nothing about it so it not come true. I think if Romeo actually tried to get together with her they would have gotten together.

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