Blue sky project post 2

This last Saturday I have been working on my blue sky project. The program I used was Blender and it was pretty straight forward. U could not do that much stuff with the program but it was very easy to use here is the video.

Group post 7



Right now in my project with my group we are close to done. The machine is done and the only thing that we need to do to it is to spay paint it black. The blue print we are just finalizing it with a sharpie and erasing all the scribbles on it. The only thing that we have not started is the script. But everything else is going just fine.

Blue sky project post 1 

I’m my blue sky project my driving question is what program is going to be easyier to make 3D animations, Blender or C4D. How challange for this project is really going to be how too make 3D animations and how to render them. It’s going to be hard to do the lighting and objects for the animation. I am going to make a video of me making the animations on both programs. I already know that one of the programs are going to be better to make animations but I don’t know which one. I made a timeline of what I am going to do on which days I’m going to work.  


Medifor post 6



My medifor project group right now is going really good. We are making are medifor machine and it’s going good. The engineers are doing a good job on making the machine. The storytellers are doing fine at making the storyboard and movie about the machine and architects are doing great on making the blueprint for the machine.

Medifors project post 5


Right now in my medifor project group I think we are doing pretty good. Most of the time we are on task and our building and blueprint are really good. I am one of the story tellers and the other story teller is Youna. Joel and Griffen are the engineers and Kate and Jolene are the architects. Our structure is going really good (picture on top) we are more than half way done it. Are whole group and machine is based on the Amarican revolution and how it impacted Britain.


Revolution post 4 

My group for the revolution project is doing the American Revolution. Our time line for our group to Finnish this project is pretty big we want to Finnish this project in two weeks. We have created a big time line on a big sheet of paper of what we and going to do. I am researching why the Declaration of Independence was written. Right now I think the group is on track and we are doing pretty good on time. I would really not change anything of my group we are pretty good.