Blue sky post 4




My blue sky project turned out very well for the exhibition night. My animations ran very smoothly and it turned out very well. The C4D animation standed out the most and I used the demo too. Blender was easyier but you can do very little with it. My main question was what program was easyier and it was blender but I thought C4D was way nicer to use and work with.

Final blog post.

Me and my group have finally finish the project. I think we did a very good job on the project and the machine. Everyone did there job very well done and very detailed. The machine works almost everytime and it runs very smoothly. The only thing I would do better next time is be more organized and better on time.




Blue sky post 3

This week I worked on my 3D animation on C4D. C4D was really fun to use and make animations. It is a bit more complicated than Blender but way better if you know what your doing and more fun as well. In this animation though I had to have a gray back ground and lines going threw the screen because I had to use the demo of the program because it is a 300$ program and I do not have the money for it.

Post 8

Me and my project group is done finally with are machine and the project. We have finished are blueprint, machine, script and movie for it. I think over all of are work I think we did a very good job. If I were do it all over again the only thing I would change is to be a bit more organized.
