It’s that time again in the school year for PLP and it’s the SLCs. SLC stands for (student led conference). A student led conference is a meeting where the student (me) gets to explain my learning experience and my growth to my parents and my teacher no one else. In my SLC I will be showing work that I am most proud of, what shows my growth and what shows my growth mindset.


That was my DI presentation. The reason why I am really proud of this work is because it challenged me to present a little skit which I a, not really good at. But in this presentation I thought the group and me did very good at it. (we did come 1st place).




This was the work I did on people gaining the right to vote. From doing this work I learned how most people back then were not allowed to vote and how everyone slowly got the right to vote for many different reasons. I did a lot of research in finding this information to make this chart.


The work that showed my growth mindset on things was the DI presentation. I will be honest when my teacher told us about DI and what where were going to do my heart SANK….. I was like I have to do this and it takes up one of my free Saturday’s. But once it stared rolling and it sated to get picked together it got pretty fun and exciting. When it was GAME DAY at Burnaby north we nailed it. We came first in our presentation and instant challenge.