Spring SLC

Finally, it’s time for SLC’s!! My favourite time of the year. Just kidding, no I’m being completely sarcastic by the way.

Well you may be wondering what is a SLC? A SLC is a (Student Led Conference). A Student Led conference is where the Student (me) will give a presentation in front of my teachers and parents and I will go through my best work, stuff I need to work on and goals I have for the future.

The best work I think I’ve produced this year so far is my group project on our Hanford Site Project. This project is based on the secrecy of the Manhattan project in World War 2. The reason why I think this is my best piece of work so far this year is because I was very interested and in gaged in the topic of the secrecy of the Manhattan Project especially the science behind the Project. I know a lot more about the Manhattan Project now then I did before the Project especially how secret it was in it’s time period.



Throughout the year I think I’ve demonstrated my learning slowly getting better at writing blog posts doing class work and projects. I think the two pieces of work that i have done to show this is my World War 1 and World War 2 solider diaries. These Diaries are based on a real solider that fought in the time period. What I did is write a short diary from some point in there life’s and try to write as accurately as possible on how the soldiers felt what they where thinking and how the war is changing them as a person. For my World War 1 solider I wrote a diary on a solider named Frederick William Hall. Frederick William Hall was in the Canadian infantry in the 8th battalion. For my World War 2 solider I wrote a diary about a solider called Lawrence Balfour. Lawrence Balfour was in the royal Canadian Airforce. Then what I was able to learn about doing these two diaries is how life was like for a World War 1 and World War 2 solider and I was able to get better in writing in a first person point of view since diaries are written in first person. (most of the time).


The project that shows my Growth Mindset for this year has got to be the Macbeth Project. At the start of the project I thought the project was not the greatest idea of all, but that didn’t stop the class and me to at least attempt to pull it off. As the project went on, it fell off the rails pretty fast, and we had the choice of quitting the project and giving up or keep going at it and try to pull something off which we are doing right now. I think the best decision of the whole project was to keep going and not giving up because that’s what people with fixed mindsets do they give up. If you have a growing mindset you don’t fail you learn from your mistakes and you move on and fix the problem like what we are doing with the project right now.

Looking into my future goals is to be more of a leader, which I think I can be, and that’s why I’m mad at myself that I didn’t take a producer spot in the Macbeth project when I could’ve. I think if I took a producer spot in the Macbeth project I think the project would have been done a lot smoother, and we would actually have a movie to show. Other goals is to improve my writing and reading because I’m not great at it at all, and I know that there is room for improvement.

Helmut Lemke the Legend

This Thursday in class in PLP we had a very special opportunity to meet and talk to a German World War 2 veteran Helmut Lemke. Helmut Lemke lived through the Hitler period and was drafted to fight on the Russian front. He experienced the occupation of Russian, British and American soldiers. Helmut Lemke was forced from his home and was a refugee in a camp in east Germany. Then he fled to west Germany then immigrated to Vancouver Canada 60 years ago (1957).

Today in class we reflected on Helmut Lemke’s story and everyone had to come up with a concept word for the whole story that Helmut told us. The concept word that I came up with is determination. But how did Helmut Lemke’s determination keep him going and surviving the war and living life after it?

As Helmut Lemke was living in Germany he was drafted to fight on the Russian front at an age of 16 and started fighting at the age of 18. After that Helmut was forced away from home and lived in a refugee camp in eastern Germany. After living in a refugee camp Helmut Lemke fled to western Germany to find his mother that he found alive back home. Through all of this he finally immigrated to Vancouver Canada 60 years ago. After hearing this story I can clearly see why Helmut Lemke had determination to live and get through the war and it was to save his mother that was in his need.
After listening to Helmut Lemke’s life story I have never met another person so honoured and brave in my life, it was an honer to meet Helmut Lemke.