Twil 3

I think Shakespeare didn’t show the wedding scene because Shakespeare wants the audience to imagine what the wedding was like. If I was Shakespeare I would have done the same thing of not showing the wedding. The reason why is because is if you show the wedding that’s what the audience sees but if you don’t show it. It puts a blank spot in there mind that they have to imagine for them selfs. But on the other side if you can put the picture in the audience if you show the wedding. So both sides have there advantages. So if I was the director I would not show the wedding and let the audience imagine the wedding.


I think dreams can come true. The reason why I think dreams can come true is because if you try hard to make that dream true it will mostly happen. Like I had a dream of getting a chance of the world junior Canadian hockey team and I think the dream is going to come true soon because I am really trying hard and I got scouts looking at me now. At same time I think dreams can be lies because if you dream so much about something I findout you just dream about it and then you get carried away in somthing that is just not possible. So for me I have really mixed feelings about dreams and how they can come true and how they can be just a big lie that your mind is getting into. But I think dreams can mostly come true. I think Romeos dream about Rosaline is ok because Romeo had a huge crush on her but he did nothing about it so it not come true. I think if Romeo actually tried to get together with her they would have gotten together.

Twil 1

This week we learned about William Shakespeare and the Elizabethan theater. I found that when William did his performanceses if people did not like them. The people would start throwing stuff at the people performing so the performance had to be good.  Most playwrights of the period typically collaborated with others at some point, and critics agree that Shakespeare did the same, mostly early and late in his career. Some attributions, such as Titus Andronicus and the early history plays, remain controversial, while The Two Noble Kinsmen and the lost Cardenio have well-attested contemporary documentation. Textual evidence also supports the view that several of the plays were revised by other writers after their original composition. The first recorded works of Shakespeare are Richard III and the three parts of Henry VI, written in the early 1590s during a vogue for historical drama. Shakespeare’s plays are difficult to date, however, and studies of the texts suggest that Titus Andronicus, The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew and The Two Gentlemen of Verona may also belong to Shakespeare’s earliest period. His first histories, which draw heavily on the 1587 edition of Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, dramatise the destructive results of weak or corrupt rule and have been interpreted as a justification for the origins of the Tudor dynasty. The early plays were influenced by the works of other Elizabethan dramatists, especially Thomas Kyd and Christopher Marlowe, by the traditions of medieval drama, and by the plays of Seneca. The Comedy of Errors was also based on classical models, but no source for The Taming of the Shrew has been found, though it is related to a separate play of the same name and may have derived from a folk story. Like The Two Gentlemen of Verona, in which two friends appear to approve of rape, the Shrew’s story of the taming of a woman’s independent spirit by a man sometimes troubles modern critics and directors.


SLC reflection

SLC reflection

Welcome to my SLC. For the past couple weeks I have been choosing my best work for this half of the year to show to you. The SLC is a face to face interview with your parents and one of my teachers.

Here is the order of what I will go threw.

<a href=””>SLC humanitys </a>
<a href=””>SLC science </a>
<a href=””>SLC goals</a>

Goals SLC


My goals for humanity’s for the rest of the year are to work harder. The reason why is because I think I don’t work my hardest sometimes because I get lazy.

My goals for science for the rest of the year is to pay attention more. The reason why is because I find my self talking to my friends to much sometimes.
My personal habits goals for the rest of the year is to study harder. The reason why is because if I study harder I think I can do better in flight.

Science SLC

SLC science

In science we have done some lab tests. One test was testing the strength of a metal paper clip by heating it red hot and cooling it really fast. Here are the results.
I think the first paper clip that is heated will take more bends to break. The second paper clip I think will break in less amounts of bends.

Paper clip without heat
Paper clip when cooled with room temperature
Paper clip cooled by water
the paper clip that cooled in water.
Cooling in room temperature.
When the metal is heated is then cooled quickly it because stronger nut less flexible. When the metal is cooled over a long period if time it becomes more flexible.

This lab was to test the strength of a paper clip. We got to go into groups of two. I was with Chris. The first step was seeing how many times we can bend a paper clip till it breaks. The second step was heating a paper clip till red hot for ten seconds then let it cool for a bit. The third step was heating another paper clip till red hot then putting it in cold water to dry. See the chart for results. If I were to do it again I would do the lab twice so I get more data about the strength of paper clips. My weaknesses in science is getting to know new things.

Humanity’s SLC

Humanity’s SLC

In humanity’s I wrote a thing about why people climb mountains here it is.

Why people climb mountains

People club mountains because of many reasons. One of those many reasons is adventure. Lots of people climb mountains because of the adventure and the curiosity of what they will find. Mt Everest is the biggest mountain in the world and people are climbing it right now. Erik Weihenmayer climb Mt Everest for a huge adventure and he did it blind!. Eric climbed Mt Everest for inspiration and the adventure. He inspired people all around the world and caused a huge impact on achievement. Others climb mountains for different reasons like John Krakaour for research.
John Krackaour climbed Mt Everest to make a journal about it. He went to Outside Magazine and gave an idea of him climbing Mt Everest and making a journal about it. John wanted to climb Everest for all his life and making a journal about it is the perfect excuse for it. Outside Magazine paid him to climb Mt Everest and make a journal. John had to find a team or a person to climb with because this was his first time ever climbing Mt Everest. That is were John found Robb Hall.
Robb Hall was a New Zealand climber. He was on his fifth climb up Mt Everest with John Krackour. Robb was a leader in this climb. He unfortunately died in this climb from hypothermia. Robb climbed Mt Everest for the adventure. He also raised some awareness to show people what you can do.
Some people climb mountains because to get fit. A mountain expedition will put you in the best shape of your life. Ideally, you’d start training at 6-9 months before your climb. Having a clear reason to work out is a powerful motivator. Focusing your mind on your looming mission will keep you consistent. The training will likely put you in great shape. And then, there’s the climb. Your body will be consuming itself as the harsh conditions force you to burn to more calories than you can eat. You’ll be hard, strong, and incredibly ripped after a climb. Call it “the Mountaineering Cut.”
People climb mountains just too simply travel. People love to go see beautiful places around the world that the earth has to offer. People use it as the perfect excuse to go out and do something. People say mountains hide the most beautiful view on earth you just have to climb the mountain first.

Those are some of the many reasons why people climb mountains.
To create this creative writing I researched a lot about people and why they climb mountains. This assessment was based on a Mt Everest book that was called Into Thin Air. I found that my research was really good but my lay out could have had more work.

I think my skills in humanity’s are overall ok. I think my reading can use some work and my writing. Quizzes I think I am just fine at.

Seattle project woodland zoo conservation.

Creating the video about zoo conservation at the woodland zoo was decently easy. We really just got a lot of pictures and videos and put them together. We used iMovie to make the video. The only hard part about making the video was doing the interview with some nice workers that work at the woodland zoo.


1. Intro: Mike
Random shots/clips of the zoo:

shots/clips: Stop motion of walking into zoo, Animals, plants, …the zoo

Mike: Today we are at the SeattleWoodlandZoo and we are going to talk about … ZOO CONSERVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “We need nature, and nature needs us to take action”. As you can see this zoo is very large in size to show its importance with its conservation.

2. Why: Youna
Air, water, environment, climate (voice over):

shots/clips: Sky shot, creek, Trees

Script: A lot of things in nature affect our daily lives like the water that we drink or the food we eat, and even the very air you are breathing right this very moment…that is unless you’re holding you’re breath or you’re dead :/.

3. What “it was like Before”: Youna
???Logging, rainforest destruction, pollution, endangered species:

shots/clips: streets, cars, factories, roads, etc.

Script: Some of many issues that Zoo conservation is currently helpinging that still exist today are logging, rainforests being cut down, pollution in the air and environment, construction,and the introductions of invasive species in the environment. Climate change and natural disasters like hurricanes, storms, forest fires and earthquakes are also a big issue that has impacted the environment All of these have also co
ntributed greatly to animals becoming threatened or endangered driving them closer to extinction.

4. Big issues:Mike
Particular events that have happened because of humans that have impacted the environment???:

shots/clips: Shots of ruined enviroments

Script: Lots of big events have happened in the past years that have greatly impacted ecosystems. Some issues are toxic wastes and radiation leaking out into the environment like what happened with the Japanese nuclear bombs, or the ???

5. What “the zoo is doing”:Mike
Investments, fundings, projects, etc.:

shots/clips: Zoo workers working, people?

Script: The Seattle Woodland Zoo is now currently investing in many projects to help conserve the environment and the world around. They help conserve endangered species by raising and breeding and raising species in the zoo and trading off with other zoo’s or reintroducing them to ecosystems and native habitats, researching and studying species creating partnerships with other zoo’s and communities that need funds and support for there projects, and also teaching others how to help endangered species and what they can do to help conserve the environment.

6. Mike’s interview: Mike
An interview with worker/volunteer on endangered species:

shots/clips: Film interview.

-What are the biggest factors to why animals are becoming endangered?
-What are some of the most endangered species?
-What can we do to help.
-Anymore information we should know about zoo conservation.

7. ZC breeding: Youna
What it does:

shots/clips: Infants (animals)??? Young plants in growth.

Script: The Woodland Zoo has been working to help repopulate many endangered and threatened species in the world. They have been involved with a program called Species Survival Plan (aka: SSP) that helps conservation breeding by cooperating with Zoo and Aquariums. The zoo participates in 72 SSP’s varying in many different species and organisms.

8. P & P:Matt
What they are and how the zoo is involved:



In the Pacific Rim there are many organizations but the most important ones are “HUTAN ASIAN ELEPHANT CONSERVATION” and “WPZ-PANTHERA MALAYAN TIGER PROJECT”.

Theres only one organization in Central Asia and that is the “SNOW LEOPARD TRUST” organization.

Lastly, the organizations in Africa are the “MBELI BAI GORILLA STUDY” and “TARANGIRE ELEPHANT


9. Examples: Matt
Particular Projects of partnerships that the zoo is involved in that had a big impact:


Oregon spotted frogs are endangered in Washington state and are a strong candidate for listing under the Federal Endangered Species Act.

The Western Pond Turtle Recovery Project is a long-term, comprehensive program to re-establish and protect this endangered species in Washington state. The program has helped reverse the fate of this native turtle, increasing its wild population from 150 turtles to approximately 800 today.

The Hutan Asian Elephant Conservation Project is run by Drs. Marc Ancrenaz and Isabelle Lackman, giving villagers and land owners practical solutions to potential wildlife problems.

. The WPZ-Panthera Project will determine the number of tigers in priority conservation areas in the Greater Taman Negara region.

Snow Leopard Trust’s innovative Snow Leopard Enterprises program is a cooperative handicraft-based community partnership in several Asian countries, helping herders make and sell fine wool handicrafts to increase their income.
. Long-term studies are essential because gorillas are long-lived mammals. The data collected enables scientists to assess the vulnerability of populations to threats and predict their ability to recover from decline.
10. How “it changed the world”: Matt
Brief overview and “how it changed the world”:


Lucky for us this zoo has changed the world in many ways. The Woodland Zoo has done projects and conservations from all over the world to help threatened and endangered species. The zoo has saved some of the most important animals such as predators that keep smaller critters and other types of prey from over populating. Overpopulation can endanger or threaten other species of its prey which can cause imbalance in ecosystems all around the world.

Frankenstuffy video

It was fairly easy to make the frankenstuff/aqua duck. The frankestuffy was made because of a big explosion from a missil that missed its target and landed where joe the duck was. what I would do differently next time is try to get a group like Jayden and Nolan did and make a huge video with loto of frankenstuffys in it.