Solider research

For the past week in the PLP program we have been working on an investigation on a solider in World War 1. The solider that I researched is called Frederick William Hall. Hall was born on the date February 21, 1885. He was in the unit Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment). Hall was in the 8th division and was 30 years old.





Hall was in the battle of Ypres on the date 24th April, 1915. As Hall was fighting he saw a wounded solider some 15 yards away from him. On the first attempt to get to the wounded solider fail he made it the second time. The other two solider that where helping the wounded man got injured from enemy fire. Hall in his bravery went to the wounded solider and tried to carry him to his friendly trench. Right when Hall made it to his trench he got shot in the back from enemy fire and died. Hall was  rewarded the Victoria cross for his actions.










Hanford Site project


As you may know about two months ago our PLP class did a trip down to Oregon and Washington state to do a study on the Manhattan project. For the trip students where split up into groups that all had different topics but where all related to the Manhattan project. Our schedule for the trip was pretty straight forward.

Wednesday, September 21: drive to Portland

Thursday, September 22: Reed collage; Columbia River Gorge: Mary hill museum of art.

Friday, September 23: Hanford- pre war historic sites tour and the reach museum.

Saturday, September 24 Hanford reactor tour and drive back home.


The group I was in we did the secrecy of the Manhattan Project and I thought the topic was very interesting and fascinating on what we learned and gathered on the trip. At the time of war the Hanford site was the most top secret place in the world. Imagine the government keeping a 600 square mile chunk of land that had 9 nuclear reactors producing plutonium for the nuclear bombs used on Japan from the public and not even one secret was let out, pretty impressive right?. As you are still reading this I guess you are quite interested to see the project so here it is enjoy.



My role in the project was mostly recording interviews and asking the questions in the interviews. The creation process for the project was really everyone in the group coming together and sharing their ideas till everyone agreed to an idea then we would execute it. The only thing I would have done differently next time is get better audio such as using a mic on all the interviews instead on only some of them.

Why did World War 1 start?

The killing of Franz Ferdinand in 1914 was the spark that led to the start of World War 1. After the killing things went down hill very fast as country’s started to declare war everywhere as Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and all their alliances started to join in. In my Explain Everything that I made it explains why the killing of Franz Ferdinand was the spark of World War 1 and what country’s where involved in the war.

The Golden Years

About 100 years ago in the early 1900s Canada was striving and booming in the global economy, this was also known as the Golden years and the Laurier years. During this time Canada was a power house in the economic world. People from all around the world started to move to Canada because the Golden Years brought new jobs and a whole new life to people who didn’t live there. I believe that if the Golden Years didn’t happen we was a country today would not be striving like we are right now.
Wilfrid Laurier was the Prime Minister of Canada at the time and was known as the country’s greatest statesmen. During the golden years Wheat, lumber and minerals where basically endless. By 1910 most of the prairies were settled and being farmed by local farmers. This was also the time for industrial and urban growth, both of these things were fuelled solidly on immigration. As this went on not all regions got effected by this boom so the spread of rich and poor widened a lot.





I believe that if the Golden Years didn’t happen we was a country today would not be striving like we are right now. I think this because the Golden Age boosted Canada so much they where financially set for quite a while.




This year in PLP I learned a lot of new things and did a lot of projects along the way. In this SLC I will be showing you pieces of my work that I have done this year and explain why I think these pieces of work show my best and show where I can improve.


The project that I am most proud of this year would be my little big story 1. The reason I am most proud of this project is because i actually had a topic that I was interested in to talking and about to other students and have there thought on the topic ( why do you actually try to do your homework?)


My second project of the year that I am most proud of would be my little big story 2. In this project I wish I got a drone to get some really good shots of the turtle and not have whole video filled with boring ground shots.



Reflection 3

In 1961 Stax records was founded by Jim Stewart and his sister Estelle Axton. The two made the name Stax by getting the first two letters in there last name and putting them together STewart/AXton = Stax. Stax records was a famous recording studio in Memphis Tennessee that recorded a lot of famous songs like Gee Whiz, Look At His Eyes” by Carla Thomas, Gee Whiz (1961) and Green Onions” by Booker T. & the MGs,(1962) but in 1963 Stax studios officially became a tourist attraction and museum.





Reflection 2


Do you think the assassination of Martin Luther king Jr Help the civil rights act move?
On the date April 4, 1968 Martin Luther king Jr. was shot dead at Lorraine motel in Memphis Tennessee. When he was announced dead all of America was in shock and most African Americans where scared. I think that the death of Martin Luther king Jr actually made huge change in helping African Americans get full equality. The reason why I think this is because when king died a lot of people thought to them selfs if we don’t keep pushing for equality bad things are going to happen so that motivated lots of people to continue kings legacy for pushing for African American rights.


BEE369 Minister Martin Luther King, Jr. preaching at an event




Reflection 1


In the American Civil rights movement everyone that was pushing for freedom for all African Americans in America faced a very overwhelming physical force. Throughout the fight the American Civil Rights movement adapted ways to handle the physical force that was pushing them back. Some of the ways that the Civil rights movement adapted was Gandhi’s philosophy of fairness, nonviolence, and self sacrifice in the face of overwhelming physical force. I think the Civil rights movement adapted these ways very well and the out come of doing non violent things where huge. The reason I think this worked so well is because the force that the Civil rights faced they could not have done anything to stop the American Civil rights because they weren’t breaking any laws and the whites had no reason to fight back.


It’s that time again in the school year for PLP and it’s the SLCs. SLC stands for (student led conference). A student led conference is a meeting where the student (me) gets to explain my learning experience and my growth to my parents and my teacher no one else. In my SLC I will be showing work that I am most proud of, what shows my growth and what shows my growth mindset.


That was my DI presentation. The reason why I am really proud of this work is because it challenged me to present a little skit which I a, not really good at. But in this presentation I thought the group and me did very good at it. (we did come 1st place).




This was the work I did on people gaining the right to vote. From doing this work I learned how most people back then were not allowed to vote and how everyone slowly got the right to vote for many different reasons. I did a lot of research in finding this information to make this chart.


The work that showed my growth mindset on things was the DI presentation. I will be honest when my teacher told us about DI and what where were going to do my heart SANK….. I was like I have to do this and it takes up one of my free Saturday’s. But once it stared rolling and it sated to get picked together it got pretty fun and exciting. When it was GAME DAY at Burnaby north we nailed it. We came first in our presentation and instant challenge.

Voting project

This week in class we made a explain everything about how voting was a privilege and became a right. For me personally I thought it was actually a pretty hard question to wrap my head around at first but once I did a bit of research it became really easy. The only thing that I would have changed in my explain everything is I would have added some animations to my video but it was a very short dead line for it to be done so I had to throw something together quickly.