Clarence Crane Brinton

This week I’ve been working on an iBook about a philosopher named Clarence Crane Brinton. You may have already heard of him from my past blog post and if you haven’t, go ahead and click  here to catch up! As I was saying I created an iBook, but don’t expect too much! It’s just a few pages of information with some widgets (widgets are basically just mini interactive games) and then I had a mini quiz at the end just to review some little facts. In class we were learning about his theory which you will find out about when you read the book. Once we learned about his back story and theory we had to make a diagram which showed the cycle of his theory of revolution, and here’s mine:



The first stage is a citizen realizing how much money he’s paying, the second represents the same person in stage 1 doing something non violent about the situation, the third stage is citizens creating groups to rival the government and kill the king so the town can change and finally the fourth stage represents the kingdom and laws changing for the good of the citizens. So once we finished the diagram and understood his theory it was time to come up with a question! My question was… what inspired crane Brinton to come up with his theory of revolution?

I wanted to ask this question because I was interested in finding out about more of his life and seeing if I could find a pattern or a part in his life where he did something that could spark his inspiration. In the end I decided to make a mini iBook about it (like I explained in the beginning) once I was done all my reasearch I came up with a conclusion and even my own theory. I thought that my iBook was kind of boring at the beginning because I had way to many words, so I decided to cut everything down and then I added some widgets on a site called Bookry, I also got some links of places that I referred to in the book. Hope you enjoyed my post and reading my book!

If you want to download my iBook click the link below!

Click here to download iBook!

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