Super heroes and the periodic table!

These past few weeks we have been studying every part of the periodic table from the elements to the atoms and ions in them. After all the worksheets and quizzes we got into groups where we had to pick a superman and superpower, for this we couldn’t just pick any superpower we had to pick one that would make sense with the element that you would pick afterwards. For example you could pick a flying superpower, and choose hydrogen for an element. We chose to use hydrogen and francium because they are both flammable, and for our superpower we chose to have a power of being able to turn anything to flames. The first part of this project was to fill in a form and contract for our group essentially saying that anyone who wasn’t participating was allegable to be thrown out of the group. After that we had to draw a badge with our power, name of group, element and chemical properties of it. Here’s a picture of our badge:


Once our badge was completed it was time to show that we knew what the periodic was and where everything was. We started with receiving a big white poster board where we had to draw the periodic table with the atomic name, element and symbol of each element on the periodic table. Once that was done we colour coated each one by there family and group (halogens, noble gases, alkali metals, alkali earth metals and transition metals) We then took our two chosen elements and wrote two chemical and physical properties. Here’s our final poster:



This class we finished an atom model of the element hydrogen, right now our group is pretty caught up and on task most of the time. Sometimes we where a little off task but besides that we where a pretty collaborative group. This is only half of the project so far so I’m excited to see how everything will turn out in the end!


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