My Career Fairytale!

For our new unit on health and career we had to do some mini projects on our future, personality’s, traits and what our future careers will look like.

We just recently did a little project of things that we wish we where gifted, or talented at. We where told to wright a little bit about what we could do to achieve those gifts. Anyways here’s my paragraph, hope you enjoy it!

Many people feel that to them gifted is being intelligent, good at sports or gifted with the way you look. To me being gifted is being able to make peoples day, or make them smile. I think that maybe if i try everyday to not talk about people in a bad way, or say hi to people in the hallways and smile even when people don’t smile back, it could make a significant difference in how people feel. I feel if I just do one good thing everyday it could turn into a habitat which then would turn in to a talent or gift. To me this would be a great gift to have, and would benefit everybody in every way. This may not be a “typical talent” or gift that people would normally choose, but for me this is as important as anything else.

Next we took some quizzes about our future careers, we had to answer multiple questions in three different segments. In the end we got some feedback from the questions answered by us and the website gave us a career most suitable for our skills. In the end I got an avionics mechanics, aircraft instrument and licensed practical nurse along with many other things…

We had one last mini assignments before a end of the unit project. This one was focused on the events in our life and some events we want to take place in our future. I started out with making a diagram of some good and bad events starting with my birth. Next i started to think about the events i wanted to take place in order for my future to go the way i want it to.

I think the first event I want to take place is taking a gap year and see the world. I know that once I start school i probably won’t be able to travel as much as I want. Next I want to get into a good school and spend as much time learning about what I love, because just like the traveling I might never be able to learn again. The third event I would like to take place sometime in the future is to move to at least one new place around the world. I really don’t have any preferences to where I want to move to, I just know that someday I would like to experience what It would feel like to live someplace new. Somewhere along the line I would like to have an internship as a veterinarian to learn more about the skills needed and have some guidance along the way. My last goal for the future would have to be spending my life doing the thing I love, because if any of the events that I would like to take place don’t happen I know that as long as I’m happy I’ll be absolutely fine in the world. I know that all my goals are a long stride for me but as long as I am determined and focused with everything I do, I know my life will turn out exactly how I want it to and I’ll have no regrets.

Once we got an idea of our talents and achievements or future goals we where given an assignment to creat an iMovie of our fairytale future! The requirements are pretty simple, all we had to do is introduce the iMovie with “once upon a time” and “they all lived happily ever after” we also had to introduce ourselves and how we where going to get to our goals.

Since I was a kid i have always loved animals, I also really enjoy sciences so I put two and two together and since then I’ve always wanted to be a veterinarian. I also always wanted to have a career that would benefit the world and people or other living things. Anyways i decided to use explain everything to put the movie together then import it to iMovie to cut up all the clips. I decided to make my video a little more to the point so my goals where clear and my thesis wasn’t confusing. So here it is…

Overall throughout this project it really made me think about my future and what I want to do when I’m older. But then again the quizzes helped me open my eyes to other careers paths and helped me create a skill list and identify my strengths and weaknesses.

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