You may not recognize the word T’POls but there basically just SlC’s, now if you still don’t know what SLC’s are you need to do some catching up.

The only thing different from the other years is that the driving question is…

Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade?

Anyways let’s get on to the information, so before I get into my growth mindset, what I’m most proud of, future goals and what I learned I want to talk a little bit about my goals I set during my last SlC’s. So last time I talked about how I wanted to read at least one book a day, I want to update my blog posts more often, and I want to improve my writing. If I’m being completely honest here I only really followed through with one, updating my blog. I felt like over the past few months I have been uploading posts at least a day or two after the assignment or event. Although I didn’t follow through with reading one book a month I did end up reading at least 4 books. Now honestly that doesn’t seem like a lot to the normal human being but for me, it’s an immense improvement.

Anyways enough about that, now I want to talk a little about why I think I should “graduate” grade 9…

Not only have I completed many assignments I have grown from each one and revised as I went along. For example, the Franken stuffies project, the end result of this project was meant to be an iMovie this was a contribution to both humanities and Maker block. From various projects, I have seen a pattern in my work, my audio. Each time I make a video especially this one, I seem to somehow mess up the audio. If its stuttering, tone or volume something always goes wrong. Now I have never really noticed this until I reviewed all my work from the past few months. This proves that I know what I need to work on in the future and that I have grown and taken my revisions and turned them into a positive learning experience.

In Math and Science, I have felt that I have grown as a learner in many ways. For one I have become more and more independent in studying for both math and science. I have also realized that a lot of the time I have found myself looking at math problems or science labs in different perspectives, this not only improved my grades but also left me more independent as a learner and individual.

The ‘What I carry project’ which was basically a keynote presentation for health and career where we had to explain 10 things that make us up. This has opened my eyes up to the tools I carry every day and has also shown me that every piece of your personality makes up you. For example, when I was listening to one of my peer’s presentation she talked about her anxiety and how she sees it in a positive way. She said that if she didn’t have her anxiety she would be a totally different person, maybe it would be a good thing or bad thing but either way she felt happy the way she was. Aside from that I also learned many everyday presentation skills and how to use Keynote.

I also have shown leadership skills this past month by taking on a challenge. This challenge was blue sky. As you all already know I went to talk to little kids about the challenging subject of why the bees are disappearing and what will happen to our world without them. Many people may not see this as a challenge but I do. It was challenging for many reasons, for one because I had to translate all the knowledge I had gathered into a simpler form for the kids to understand. I also had to make sure that what we were discussing wasn’t too hard hitting for them, or somehow depressing because it was talking about how most of our crops would disappear. Although all of those factors were a reason not to take on this challenge, I thought of it as the exact opposite. Overall I was impressed with the outcome and proud of the challenge I had taken on.

So at the end of the year, every project was a positive outcome, whether I learned from it, grew as a learner or was overall proud of what I had accomplished. I think that if i could improve one thing It would probably be to have a little more fun with each project, I have found myself a lot of the time stressing over not being creative enough. I think the key to stopping this would be to open my eyes to new perspectives and ways of representing things. But overall I have felt that even though some projects might have failed I have put in lots of effort into each and every one. This is why I think I deserve to advance to the next grade level.

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