Greatest Moments in Canadian History

Today I’m going to talk little bit about “Great Canadian Moments in History”.  Over the past month or so we’ve been talking about moments in important moments in history. I think that most of the time history is defined by something that effects the future, ex. World War II. To make great history something has to be given up in some sort of heroic way in order to make it great. for those reasons i believe that the greatest moment in history was the confederation.

I don’t think many people remember what the confederation is so i’m going to start off by explaining that before i get into anything more confusing. Lets start at square one, so what does confederation really mean?

So all of this started with a man called Lord Durham, he initially mentioned uniting both in his report on the 1837-38 Rebellions. The British Government agreed with Lord Durham’s idea, which sparked some inspiration of a confederation. The act wasn’t to popular in the maritime and french speaking colonies but never the less the British government agreed with the plan and followed through.

The decision to unite was contemplated during the Quebec Conference, during this conference there was a agreement formed called “72 resolution”. A little while later many provinces had passed the agreement and Canada was formed! Overall basically a group of people start to figure out a way to attach the two Canada’s, upper and lower. What you just read was just a summary of the confederation, but If you desperately would like to read a little more about some specific events that took place during that time click here.


Everybody may have different opinions but i think that the confederation was the greatest moment of Canadian history. There are many obvious reasons like for example it’s basically what brought us together as a nation, brought more land, resolved a lot of differences, got rid of all our debt and brought way more resources to our market.

Like i said before history is made up of events that effect the future of a nation, community or small town. So the confederation not only brought our nation together and effected the future  but also got rid of all the debt that some communities where holding on to. The confederation was also what payed for the Railroads that not only brought transportation but also provided more recources for them.

Beleive it or not the Confederation also provided peace and saved many resources and lives of militants. You may be wondering how this was possible, well as may know America was involved in a civil war. Since British colonies didnt want anymore war confederating created a strong independent government that had a strong military defence, ending in less of a chance of wars.

To represent how confederation effected history I created a representation of some positive outcomes of the confederation that helped lead a path of great history. To put this all together I used wordification:

During this whole process we had to create a character card. This character card could be a person of your imagination or a real historical figure. The only criteria was that it had to be somebody that effected the Cariboo Gold Rush. My character was a bartender that worked in a small town that was effect by the gold rush. For this project i put all the text and pictures in pages, and i edited my face into the persons in eraser and superimpose

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