Smart Goal Setting

We just finished the first project of grade ten, now this one was a little different from a lot of the projects we did last year because this time it was an audio not a visual. An audio project is basically a podcast, whereas the visual was more of a movie or video.

This project was apart of a planning class, and was based on the topic of goals and smart goal setting. This project started out by setting a goal we wanted to attain throughout the year. It could be anything from improving work ethic to your attitude during school. My first goal I set was about having more confidence in my work, we then brainstormed and worked off of those ideas to create our own SMART goal.

What is a smart goal?

S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Relevant, Rigorous, Realistic, and Results Focused
T- Timely and Trackable

Once we got a good idea of what smart goals were and how to create them, we created three. One for our “in school goals”, another for our “character growth” and finally for our “out of school goal”.

We started with just a sentence for our main idea, then we shared them, and brainstormed until they fitted the SMART goal criteria.

My first goal was about staying focused during school. The tricky part about coming up with these goals is that you have to have a cause for them, to find a solution and a goal to fix the habit. For example since my goal was staying focused, my cause for being unfocused was stress and not enough sleep and my solution was going to bed earlier and staying on top of things.

Now that you pretty much understand how we create our goal, you can take a look at my finally copy of the written part.

The next step to this process was turning the goals into audio. I used SoundCloud to record, and put together. Once my audio was complete the teacher assigned us to do a visual to go along with our goals, it could have been a picture, video, drawing or collage. I chose to go with the drawing, which I then inserted into the SoundCloud so everything was together and you could visualize it while you where listening.

Here’s the final audio and visual product!

Goal #1 (inside of school)

Goal #2 (character growth)


Goal #3 (outside of school)




Overall the project helped us see what things we wanted to improve in our daily lifestyle. Hope you enjoyed following me through my first project of the year!

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