La Renaissance!

So we’ve been learning about the rennaisance and how it effected our western worldview these past couple of months. We started off with choosing three people from that time, an artist, a thinker, a scientist. I ended up choosing Donatello, Isaac Newton and Leonardo DaVinci. Next was creating a Venn diagram with things that all three of them had in common like how they effected the rennaisance and western worldview, there religions, personality and there innovations. So here’s what I came up with:


So next was incorporating all of the things they had in common and putting them into one big picture, so for example if they were German you could put a German flag in the background. Most people did a big collage or a diagram but I decided to go with a scene. I thought mine could be a window sill and I could put some little things like neklaces or flags that would represent something. So first look at the picture and try to guess what you think each bit means then keep reading,to find out!


So as you may have already guessed the two flags at the back represent the nationalities and the little cross represents the religion of those people which was Christianity. Next I put some books on the left hand side, the ones that say science 101 and sculpting for dummies represent how those people inspired people today to do what they wanted and not what people told them to do, they also showed people to take more time for themselve. The other books that say Leonardo, Isaac Newton and Donatello shows how much they invented and created that people still acknowledged today. And last but not least the picture frame which also kind of represented taking time for yourself to do what you want like spend time with family and do many of your own leisure activities. I learned a lot from this and think that the rennaisance was very important for people then but also for people today.

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