You Are What You Eat?

So we just started health and career and where told to watch a few videos, two where about food crisis’s, and the other two where about healthy eating. I think that out of all four the one that impacted me the most was probably the world hunger one. There was a lady speaking about obesity and starvation, and how those two problems really aren’t very different. Here’s a link to the video so you can watch it yourself!

I think that the video impacted me in a good way, for one it reassured me that there are tons of people out there who are trying to come up with a solution for this problem. Also, the lady was speaking about how the UN declined there FEED idea and her friend and her decided to start the idea on there own. I thought this kinda showed how anybody can really come up with a solution if they have a good idea or a passion for the challenge. I think you and me probably know that there are lots of people in the world without food, or people who have too much bad food but the thing is i didn’t know the extent to it. That’s also why this video impacted me the most, because although I knew this was a problem I didn’t know the details and how bad it actually was.

After watching the video I thought about how I could change my eating habits so I did a little of my own research. Basically what I learned from everything is that anyone can have a healthy eating habits if they have the right nutrition and balanced diet. For example, it’s fine to have a slice of cake after dinner but just as long as you include the right nutrition into your actual dinner and get the right amount of exercise, you can have a balanced diet.

I also ended up doing a little more research into the FEED company and learned a little more about what they do, click here to go to the website and find out more!

After watching all the videos we where told to take all that information and really think about what we eat everyday and how we can tweak it. To really visualize what we eat we where assigned to create a picture of us using all the food we eat. The assignment was called “You Are What You Eat” and was inspired by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, an artist who create portraits of people out of food. Heres one piece of his work!

For my self portrait I started off with a actual picture of me and imported it to Superimpose, next I started finding foods in certain shades that I would eat in a daily basis. Then I started overlapping them and changing the opacity of the food so they would kinda blend together. For some of the pictures I used one of my favourite apps called Eraser and cleared the backgrounds. I think overall the hardest part was the eyes, because I couldn’t find anything that resembled the shape of them. I ended up using chocolate covered almonds and coffee beans (my two favourite things in the world!) then I cheated a little and added some eyelashes to the eyes because I looked really creepy without them. My favourite part is the hair, it’s made out of this really weird black pasta my mom buys all the time that’s surprisingly good! Here’s the final portrait!

Overall this project really taught my ways to stay healthy and food problems occurring all over the world! Like I said before I learned that keeping a healthy diet doesn’t necessarily mean cutting out everything that’s delicious. It just means making sure you get the right nutrition from your vegetable and fruit intake! This project also really helped me because it helped really visualize what I was eating and what It could do to my body.

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