Personal Mission Statement

 This post is going to be all about my role models and those who inspire me to be the better version of myself. If this sounds familiar it’s probably because you’ve already read about this before. In grade… Read More

The New Normal

During the past few crazy weeks our class has embarked in a project all about dystopias, how fitting. Our learning styles however have shifted, we are now learning entirely through zoom, basecamp and showbie. Although this was quite… Read More

Ideologies Around The World

Recently we started learning about different ideologies. Since most of us are going to university next year we learned about the ideologies through lectures. This led us to learn about all the different styles of note taking like… Read More

The Significance Of Watergate

How do we make choices in what is worth remembering? A question our class has been pondering for quite a while. The significance something has, changes from person to person. Something with great significance reaches a large number… Read More

MPOLs 2020

It’s that time of the year again, Christmas break is over and MPOLs have begun. I have done these twice a year for almost 5 years now. MPOLs have become a point of reflection, opportunities for improvement and… Read More

More Blood Productions- A Horror Unit

Here we go again! Another unit wrapped up which always means another blog post. As per usual we have a driving question, this time around it’s… Why is horror such an effective way to reflect and comment on… Read More

Mankind is the Monster

Majority of us are guilty of being quick to judge a character, especially in today’s political world. We tend to divide, and immediately view somebody as a monster maybe even evil. This is similar to what happened after… Read More

A Breakdown Of “Get Out”

Throughout this breakdown of Get Out we’ll cover all the nitty gritty from racism and American politics to Emmet Till, Rosa Parks, Frankenstein and technology. We’ll also unfold how horror has evolved in order to contribute to the… Read More

Classic Literature & Gender Roles

  It’s been a while… but I’m back! We kicked off this year with a unit focusing on classical literature by a handful of well known writers. To get a head start on Classic literature, we actually had… Read More

Ideas > Art

It’s that time of year again! Blue Sky has come around once again. If you don’t know what Blue Sky is at this point, you’ve got some catching up to do. Click here, here and here for my… Read More

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