For our latest maker project we had to create a 2 minute video on a a live event. I chose to cover my younger sisters soccer game. I filmed videos, slo-mo’s and time lapses of the event and edited them together, using iMovie.

In my first draft I had a few improvements to make. I needed to integrate the interview portion of the video into it so the video flowed better, so I took the audio and placed it over some clips of the event. I also accidentally cut out the audio of the last clip, so in my final video I added it back in.

^ My first draft of the live event.

The difference between this video and the recreations is being able to reshoot. With a live event everything is in the moment, and if you miss a shot you wont be able to get it again. I had to be looking for the shots I needed during the whole game so I didn’t miss anything.

Special thanks to Claire, for letting me use her soccer game. <3

Overall I actually enjoyed the project more than I expected. The editing was surprising fun  and I liked being able to be creative with it. I also feel like I’ve gained a lot more knowlage in the process of covering a live event and the planning needed to do it.