SLC Introduction

SLC stands for student led conferences, this is a assignment where students like me will create a portfolio full of things were proud of, things we need to work on and goals for selected classes. Then we will present this portfolio to our parents and teachers, the parents will give critique and at then at […]

Portfolio Reflection.

Performance and effort. This term my performance and effort have been very high, I’ve tried my hardest in every aspect of my work. I try to perform to the best of my ability. I have achieved a high grade in this course which reflects my effort and performance, but I still believe there’s room for […]

Growth in Humanities.

My Frankenstuffy Project. During term one we did a large project called Frankenstuffy. I am very proud of the final video that came of it, it received an above standard in fresh grade and impressed lots of people including me. The process I went through to create my frankenstuffy movie was a lengthy one. I […]

Growth in Science.

During science in first term I created a keynote project on Phenylketonuria. This was the first time I’d ever used keynote and I think that it turned out very well. I started the project by choosing Phenylketonuria off a list of fifteen or so genetic mutations. I then went through a list given to the […]


In humanities my measurable goal is to achieve a ninety five percent grade. This goal is very important to me because I always strive for the best I can be. Last year I earned the outstanding scholar plaque, I felt very proud and happy that I achieved it and am trying my very hardest to […]