Growth in Science.

During science in first term I created a keynote project on Phenylketonuria. This was the first time I’d ever used keynote and I think that it turned out very well. I started the project by choosing Phenylketonuria off a list of fifteen or so genetic mutations. I then went through a list given to the class by Mrs Williamson Chow answering basic questions on the genetic mutation. I went more in depth into the mutation, I learned a lot and when I felt I had enough information I stated a keynote. I followed the outline adding extra where I felt I needed it, and by the time the project was due I had finished the keynote. My keynote had lots of visuals that helped the keynote become clearer and more informative. I felt that I was strong when it came to adding visuals to the project. My writing and information on phenylketonuria was very clear and I felt that it was a good and got information across well. I can improve in how I lay out my keynotes, I felt that sometimes the page would look awkward and I could figure out how to fix it.

[slideshare id=43712918&doc=presentation-2-150120134341-conversion-gate02]

I enjoy doing labs and experiments in science, I feel that I can accomplish them with quality and my attention to detail serves me well. I am strong when it comes to doing bigger projects, I care about the work I create and always try my hardest. I have some room to improve, but I still feel that I create great projects. I tend to put too much information on one page, and sometimes my layout of work isn’t correct or is too dense. I put too much information into areas it is not needed and less information where it is needed. These are my weaknesses in science. (Image of crowded keynote)

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