Performance and effort. This term my performance and effort have been very high, I’ve tried my hardest in every aspect of my work. I try to perform to the best of my ability. I have achieved a high grade in this course which reflects my effort and performance, but I still believe there’s room for improvement.
Study Habits. This term my study habits have been good, I study when I feel I need more knowledge on the subject. I always study before quizzes and tests.
My strengths as a learner vary, I enjoy making movies and feel I can make them well. I can create a good piece of writing after much revision and spell checking. I’m good at researching and can document information efficiently when needed. I can create sbcripts and presentations that document my points well. I have many challenges as a learner, I am prone to stress, I worry about work to much and tend to check my work over when it’s not needed. I procrastinate and push work away in different ways, I spend to much time on work that I run out of time or even just don’t want to do assignments and try to forget about them.
How I can take my academic performance to a higher level. I feel that to take my work to a higher level I need to involve the classroom and teachers. I need to revise my work as well as other people and ask more questions. I believe I need community input on my work.
My social and participation strengths. I’m a good group member in joint projects, I tend to take the lead of groups and become the person to stop the talking get the group to work. I try to put important group work on my own shoulders because I highly trust my skills and abilities. I participate in class whenever I feel I can provide quality information, help or anything useful. I ask lots of questions and am not afraid to talk or read in front of the class.
In classroom I’ve learned many valuable things and grown. I’ve learned I need to get work done fast and efficiently. I’ve realized class time is valuable and it’s wasted unless you’re giving one hundred percent toward the class. I’ve learned that being stressed brings down your quality of work and taking one task at time is important. I’ve also learned that enjoying who you’re with and being surrounded with people you like is invaluable.