Topic 3

For this TWIL I am going to create a newspaper article on the death of Mercutio and Tybalt. I am going to create this newspaper article in a third person view of the scenario. I am going to try and re-create the scene and make it into a modern newspaper clipping.

“Yesterday during a beautiful day in Verona the war between the Capulets and Montagues shed blood once again. Those killed were Tybalt of the Capulet house and Mercutio of the Montague house. Mercutio was killed by Tybalt. All spectators say that Tybalt shot Mercutio, the two family gangs met in the streets, Romeo tried to make peace but Tybalt shot Mercutio under Romeos arm. Tybalt didn’t get to live much longer because he was was later murdered. Once the news of the death of Tybalt became openly known, reporters and paramedics rushed to the scene to find Tybalt dead with a bullet in his heart. Many accountable bystanders vouch that Romeo was the one who pulled the trigger. By then Romeo had fled the scene. Romeo is believed to have killed Tybalt in the name of revenge and justice. This information provides Romeo with some protection from the rule of execution. The prince has banished Romeo from Verona and we will never see Romeo again. Both families grieve the loss of life. The Montague family also suffers having to send young Romeo off to a city far from Verona. The citizens of Verona wish to one day be safe in their own city but fear that day will never come”.

-Reporter Nash Jacoe Verona Times.

Reflection, this TWIL was very hard because I’ve never written in a reporter / newspaper way. I was challenged because I found my self slipping into a first person way of writing when I was trying to write in a different form. I tried to write in a smooth way and make my words sound like a professional journalist. I didn’t find that I succeeded very well but at times my article resembled a real article. I enjoyed the challenge of turning the scenarios of the old play into modern scenarios, example guns, paramedics. In conclusion this TWIL open my eyes to yet another way of writing that I actually kinda enjoyed.

Romeo Clutching Mercutio Source


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