Mexican American War Explain Everything Refection

Michael, Chris and I have made an explain everything that condenses the American Mexican War into roughly three minutes. The process was a lengthy procedure that spanned from February seventeenth to now. I worked with a group of Hight Tech High students in California to create the very first version of the EE, Michael was also working on another version of the same EE but alone in Vancouver. After heavily researching and making a rough EE on the Mexican American war in California I combined mine with Michael’s, we also gained Chris along the way. We worked off Michael’s EE using it as a base, we re-made slides and overall improved our project lots.

Now the reflection part, things we could do better. Our explain everything was quite condensed but I think that I could make ours more potent in less time. There are places I’ve realized that we could combine information into one nugget and it would be less confusing and more professional. The audio that I recorded for some of the slides was done without a mic, it sounds good but I believe that if I had re-done them with a mic they could be a little more clear and have less mic pops. The Final thing that I think we could have done better is have more animations, we have some great animations but there is some slides that I think could use more visually stimulating aspects. The main problem we ran into is that we couldn’t think of a animation that goes with the contents of the slide, or they didn’t go with the already existing simple animation.

Things we did well. Our EE has many good things, we get the point across and don’t leave out any vital information, we have interesting animations that fit perfectly with the slides and other things. The Mexican America was was documented very well so we could give a accurate description of what happened, we tried our hardest to be as historically accurate as the Internet allowed us to be, the only problem we encountered is that the two opposing sides have different views of who started the war. The key points of the war are included in out EE which is what the goal of this project was, we included the reason of the war, the start, middle and finish, who, when, where and what was affected. Another thing we did well is create some great ani nations, the first slide of our EE is a good example of a quality animation we created, the animation clearly and effectively displays the population growth. We do this with other animations but none of them are as prominent, they help the slide be more effective, this slide is just the most noticeable of them all.

In conclusion our EE is a good display of information that explains and illustrates the Mexican American War and its affects. Our EE is not perfect and we will always have room to improve but it also has many positive qualities. Creating EE’s have grown on me, I have started liking them more the because I’m getting better at making them more clean and professional. I enjoyed this EE based project the most out of all previous because I was in a group with two other members that I can work with well and I was well versed with the subject after lots of research.

Link to our video:

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