Why Nash is Trying to be a Kid Engineer and Build a Bridge.

For my blue sky project I have chosen to base my question around something some very real and close to me. When I graduate and move on engineering is something that is a possible life choice for me, so I chose to base my project around engineering. I wasn’t sure about what engineering to do so I came to the consensus of doing civil engineering and building a bridge.

My idea for my blue sky is to delve into the engineering of building bridges and build a bridge over a creek next to my house. I will be building this bridge on my own prior knowledge, a large part of this project is that I will be building this bridge with lots of trial and error, I will be problem solving and discovering what works better than other things. I will have a set “budget” of an amount of materials, this will restrict me from building a unprofessional bridge that would be costly and heavy if it was to be built in real life. I will be making a movie that goes over my trials and answers my question, “Through trial and error, can a fifteen year old kid build a professional-ish bridge over a creek with a set budget and little to no prior knowledge on the engineering of bridges” This question went through lots of revision, Mrs Willemse refused to sign my sheet until I really created a question that related to the real world, I changed and add to it until I created this one.

I will be starting this project relatively soon, I just need to decide what materials I will be using and what my budget will be. I will be filming my every step and how I fail, it will create a video that the viewers can easily identify too and relate top there problem solving strategies and they will see mine.image



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