The final 8th Revoluion bloge post (I hope)

The final revolution blog post……… I think. Our project has came along way, we have problem solved, developed and increased the quality of our machine, movie and blueprint. Everything is done with utmost effort and care.

           With the due date of our machine, movie and blue print upon us we have to move fast, things are being finalized, tweaks smoothed out and clips edited. It has been a crazy past few classes with the machine failing to work and Chris having mental break downs but with time we have made it work…. 80% of the time. The blueprint Gabi and I have created is looking clean and professional, Gabi and I had to re-draw the entire thing because those pesky engineers kept on making modifications to the machines wooden structures, but we still prevailed. The movie is going to be a surprise, I haven’t seen it or heard it so I have no idea what we’re dealing with but since Chris and Anatolia are in charge of it I trust it is going to be good.

In conclusion I really have enjoyed the process of this project and the journey. I like how it’s divided into three separate jobs, it really helps me personally not stress about others jobs and due dates. My group is also great which helps to make the project more enjoyable, we have all the elements of happiness from comedy to quality.

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