Bridge builder boy check up numma 3

 Blue sky check-in #3 This week I got some very exciting and positive work done, I started the physical bulging of the bridge after I fully prepared and bought materials. I went through an adventure with zak and will be gracing you with the story.

           On last Friday the I started the physical filming my movie and the building of my bridge, although that Friday didn’t turn out to be the most productive day we still got some good footage. Zak and I went down the the creek behind my house to start the filming, we were greeted by a large wasps nest in a tree guarding the water. We had to take drastic measures, we grabbed my gun and machete and went to work, we filmed our journey of shooting the wasps nest and zak getting stung. I will include this footage in my movie but zak and I decided to relocate to another creek 10 minutes away. I measured the creek and recorded the process with videos and pictures. My bridge is coming along well, I will be testing it tomorrow and also videoing it.

             In conclusion I’ve made good progress after having a slow start, I should be done in the next couple of days. I hope for my project to be enjoyable and education for me and others, I believe that I will help open my mind to engineering and if it is a possible life choice.

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