Hello ________ this is my mother Ainsley.

“Thank you for coming to my conference. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. Today I will be leading this conference and have prepared examples from my portfolio that demonstrate learning I have undertaken this school year.”

“In addition, I will revisit the goals I set for myself earlier this year and assess my progress towards meeting them.”

“I know that as I show you my work, you may have questions. I would appreciate it if you waited until I am done talking about all my examples before you ask questions.”


“I have written a post for my blog that is a reflection on the work I have done this year. I will now share with you highlights of that work.”

Over the last school year I have grown lots as a learner and a person, I have improve almost every aspect of my self as a learner and I’m here to show it. One piece of my learning that I believe has improved the most is my creativity on small assignments, through out the year I have been asked to write blog posts about what I was doing, what’s been going on, assignments I’m working on, units we are working through and other things. My first blog posts were boring and simple because I wanted to get them over with, they mostly consisted of three poorly writ paragraphs and that was it. I have imposed vastly, some of my blog posts could be projects on there own and I’m very proud of them. Examples are my three revolution blog posts on the three main revolutions we studied. Each one of these three posts were done with michael and we crushed them, we created funny, informative and all round quality posts. The first revolution we did was the English revolution and we created a rant, it was fun and turned out great, our second revolution was the American Revolution and we created a library vlog that turned out quite funny, out third and final was a choice and michale and I decided to have a edit completion which I obviously won.

The thing that I am most proud of creating is our metaphor machine project, this project was a group project with 5 of my class mates, all five of us worked together well and had a similar vision. The question that we sued to sharp our project was “could we build an operation machine that was visually appealing and properly represented the English civil war through metaphors” we succeed on everything except the “operational” part. We completed this project smoothly with everyone doing there respective jobs well. What I learned from this project is that a good group elevates the work that is created a lot. The reason I am most proud is because our machine looked and worked better that the other groups machines, ours also had quality metaphors that did just scratch the surface like having a physical guillotine.

At my winter SLC I set three goals, one for humanities, one for science and one for my personal life. My humanities goal was to achieve 95% I didn’t achieve this goal for second term coming short by a percent or two but I achieved it spot on in third term. I tried hard to achieve this by putting out excellent work and quality projects. In science my goal was to achieve 95% as well…. That didn’t go so well for me second term with me achieving 88% I feel I deserve a higher grade because I always put my all into class and I created some nice projects but who knows what that teacher was thinking. For third term I haven’t received my mark because our teacher has literally gone missing in action, but I’m hoping that I achieved my goal. The personal goal i set was to not leave work to the last day then cram, I half succeeded on this gaol, I was getting some work done but I always seemed to have work to do on Sunday that was due Monday.

Today I have shared with you the work I most proud of so far this school year and shown you have I have made progress as a learner. I have also been honest about my strengths and challenges. I would not like to invite your questions and comments.”

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