Synthesis Essay Reflection

After witting my first essay I have a lot to look back on. I learned, grew, was challenged, and in the end wrote a piece of writing that frankly, I’m proud of. I wouldn’t have fathomed of being this confident in my writing ability years ago and am happy that the process brought me to where I am today.
The process I went through was an in-depth and detailed set of stepping stones that prepared me and loaded my gun of eloquence with quotes that I could fire at will. The first step I took was to read the two books, after this the preparation started. The creation of a ven-diagram that compared the style of the two books side by side educated me on what I could write this essay about. Creating this ven-diagram was challenging because I needed to have a good memory of the books. Thankfully I did, and after searching my brain I remembered all the styles of the two books. Step three was to fill in the essay outline so I could suit up and embark on writing the real essay. The outline was a bigger bump in the road than I expected. It was extremely challenging to write the thesis to Ms Willemse’s standards and understand her why she was rejecting my weak theses. After having a breakthrough (aka reading Gabi’s thesis) I moved on to the quote stage which to my delight, was even harder. After many hours I got my quotes and finished with a conclusion. I’m proud of my outline because I put some real effort and time into it and feel like my quotes are strong and accurate. Final step, write the bloody essay. In two sixty minute classes, I wrote a nine hundred plus word essay that includes a detailed description and understanding of how two books use style to convey meaning.
My overall take away from the entire process including the writing of the actual essay is, that through practice and preparation anybody can write a quality essay when the right amount of effort and thought are applied

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