StarWars Reflection and Process

      The starwars project was a project that focused around creating a question answering it all within the overall starwars theme. The project was a fun but challenging project that the class embarked on as individuals. It was multi stage and a multi layer journey that touched on our problem solving, question creating and question answering abilities. After the deadline was reached and everyone had finished up there products we were forced to show them to the community at an exhibition.

      Stage 1: Planning. First step of action after the project was pitched to the class was to create a deep diving question. The driving question I came up with was, “Can I turn the general grievous VS Obi Wan fight from revenge of the Sith into a stop motion film without losing the intensity and feeling you get from the original version.” After this was approved the second thing to do was plan out our time. My teachers made me fill out a sheet that planned my time.I doubt anyone really used this timeline but it kinda lets everyone know the reality of how much time they have and how they “should” be using it.


       Stage 2: Creation. The creation of my project was an annoying process that took many days. I always believed that stop motion was DSCN7765 2relatively easy style of filmmaking and I would be able to complete this project in a reasonable amount of time, boy was I wrong. For every one second of footage I recreated I needed to take ten photos. I worked many days and eventually capped out at thirty seconds of footage. Working with action figures that kept on falling over was making me pull my hair out. Beucase if I had taken thirty photos or so in a scene but then a figure falls over it would require me to restart. Too add the the whole difficulty of the project the scene I had chosen had many fighting scenes which were almost impossible to recreate. My final product was my first real endeavour with stop motion, I’m semi proud of it but I know that with the skills I’ve acquired I could create an even better result


        Stage 3: Exhibition. The exhibition is definitely my least favourite part of the whole project. It was just me re-watching my movie over and over and answer questions about it. To make it worse Chris threw his project on me before he ditched me for a basketball game. I had to try and answer questions about his project that I knew little about. I understand why we have an exhibition but it doesn’t take away from how much more cringe my project was getting the more I watched it.

        In conclusion this starwars blue sky was nice change from the blue sky last year. I enjoyed creating a question that applied to one of my favourite movie series ever. I answered my driving question the best I could with my skills at the time. But I believe that the real valuable stuff comes out of what I learned. I learned that I should never underestimate the complicity of things that I haven’t done in a while, I also learned that I should always be proud of my final product because the better it is the less embarrassed you are to show others.

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