“Mr./Ms. (teacher’s name), this is my mom ainsley.
“Thank you for coming to my conference. I am the expert and the person in the driving seat of my own learning. I am responsible and accountable for what i do at school and the academic choices I make . Today I will be leading this conference, I have prepared examples from terms 1&2 that demonstrate learning I have undertaken this school year.”
“I know that as I show you my work, you may have questions. I would appreciate it if you waited until I am done talking about all my examples before you ask questions.”
“I have written a post for my blog that is a reflection on the work I have done this year. I will now share with you highlights of that work.”
This academic year has been a trip and a half, I have had my ups and downs but that’s what makes a year a year. I have grown as a learner and as human. I’ve learned, stressed, crammed, panicked and enjoyed.
For the piece of work I am most proud of I chose my reading response journal 2. This so called journal wasn’t really a journal it was pretty much a full essay. This response journal assignment was a task that had me reflect on a section of the book “Persepolis” that i had been reading with my group. This piece of writing was the first assignment that I poured my everything into and spent an extra multiple hours working on it. I was fed up of getting B’s on pieces of writing and wanted to please my grade hungry mind. I knew that one of the only ways to please my teachers was to dive right into the assignment and tear it up but I hesitant to do that, but I knew I should. I made strong connections between world events and the dystopian setting of Iraq the book was set in. See here I compare Iran’s war tactics to napoleon, and see here how I compare Iran’s recruitment strategies to Americas patriotism.
This assignment is mark of my achievement and an example of what kind of literature I am able to write.
When it comes to work that I believe shows my growth as a learner I have to choose my Provincial Exam. From the beginning of the year to the exam I was on a journey of improvement and reflection. I started out at the beginning of the year scoring 77% on the mock exam, I then was receiving B’s on my practice essays and those sorts of scores. I accepted those marks but I knew I could be better. And through practice and effort my essay marks started becoming 90%s and I was delighted. But then came the big scary exam, I was terrified. I didn’t know if I had dome enough preparation or if i was ready. One of the scariest things to me was the fact that I had gotten a C+ on my narrative essay, the same type of essay I was supposed to write on the exam. So before the exam I wrote a practice essay and received an A, that hyped me up. Many months later when the exam results were in I was ecstatic to discover I had received a 97%
I talked about growing as person in my intro and that’s exactly what a growth mindset Is, it’s growing as a person and adapting to life. Since I need to choose one instance to represent a time where I turned my thinking around to enjoy or succeed through a task I without a doubt choose my time at Destination Imagination. The second DI was introduced to me I was a doubter and a pessimist about the whole ordeal. I was lazy at times during maker blocks and had a “too cool” attitude following me. But still I created a backdrop that wasn’t awful basically alone and carried my alien trio out of the shadows. When it came to the day of, I was a mess of emotions. I was bored, embarrassed to be the oldest there, nervous and kinda mad. But it all came together an hour before we presented. I found a piece of calm within my self while Brianna was applying alien paint to my forehead. And surprisingly I kind of enjoyed being up on the stage and presenting the odd but cool story we had put together.
In conclusion the first two terms of this year have been jammed packed roller coasters of stress and fun. But when I look back I can identify pieces of work that I am proud of, that represent my growth as a learner and as a person.
“Today I have shared with you the work I most proud of so far this school year and shown you have I have made progress as a learner. I have also been honest about my strengths and challenges. I would now like to invite your questions and comments.”