Eugene “Bull” Connor

For my reflection number 1 of the “We Shall Overcome” civil rights English/Socials 10 class. I’ve chosen to investigate an evil villain named Bull Connor, his real name is Eugene but that’s hard to type so Im gonna call bull, that’s his childhood nickname that stuck. He’s a villain who did real mean things to all the smart and forward thinking civil rights fighters. He is mean and that’s what interests me for some reason. I decided to create an audio podcast that briefly but comprehensivly documents his youth, his actions whole he was in power and the consequences of his nasty doings. I would really like to show you screen shots of my Ferrite recording software to show you how hectic it is and what the process looks like but my iPad is being a DINK right now and is crashing every 7 seconds or so. (Yes I’m on the newest OS willemse)

So here it is, my second podcast to date.


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