why that rights act thing was cool

Hello people who read this, today I am writing about reflection number 2. The last week we learned about the klan, the civil rights and other fun stuff. I chose to write about the civil rights act think that was passed in the land before time. (1964) I wanted to answer the question “why it was important” but didn’t know a format  to answer it on.   So naturally I started procrastinating and watched som YouTube. And I came across a Grade a Under A video,  this hilarious guy who makes satire videos with things that he doesn’t like.  And my thought process was like “wow this looks easy and it’s cool I can do this” but holy **** was I wrong. I  Think that this was one of the hardest things I have tackled on my own choice.  And never want to do again. It wasn’t so much the actual drawing or voicing over it was the bloody iPad being a dink again. It was slow and Imovie was making me wanna kill my self. Here you go watch my garbage movie thing.




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