The great big stories… Erm I mean the Little big stories. These stories are two projects of mine that I created movies on. As a class we are following in the footsteps of CNN and sites like buzzfeed by creating short stories that are focused around small pieces of big things that are impactful and really matter. The two Little big stories I created were tailored around my trip the deep south I just participated in. image

Little big story one. This little big story was my Franken stuffy movie reincarnated. To be completely honest This project was a pain in the arse, not the actual assignment but the completion and putting it together. My topic was “Elvis and his combination of white country and black soul music bringing people together during the civil rights movement” I got so much quality footage, pictures and interview time, but I was having troubles wrapping it up. I asked Willemse for revision so many times up until the exhibition she ended up saying  “your still here? its too late for revision just hand it in” Thats when I realized that I was done. My main person quarrel with this project was that I didn’t know how to make it engaging enough with such a serious topic. I realize now looking back that if I could see that it could of been cleaner. Willemse told me so many times to split my long but extremely strong interview with Zacharia a Sun Studios employee up. But I could not see though the mist confusion of how to possibly thread this interview into my already completed intro and outro. I did manage to make a nice explain everything intro with the interview. I am quite happy with my final draft but of course there is always room to improve.

Little big story two. This project was the reject of my work load to be honest. All the way from the beginning it was shadowed by little big story one and blue sky. The topic that my second litlle big story was on was classic southern iced tea. It was the project that I pushed away and keep on saying “oh ill finish that later after the more important stuff is done” FullSizeRender 5I forgot how important it was until it was too late. Id say for every hour I put into little big story one I put fifteen minutes into little big story two. I will say that little big story one took my mind over and wouldn’t let go. I am not, not proud of little big story two, it is pretty good but there is obvious room for improvement. I have learned a lot about work management and work equality doing this project. I also learned some positive lessons like the fact that word count or video count doesn’t matter for crap. If I had of cleaned up the audio and added one or two interviews and adde more visuals my little big story could of been a nice short and cool video.IMG_2636

To conclude. This project was definitely one of the hardest and most time consuming projects I have ever done. The great big stories that CNN and buzzfeed produce feel impossible to re create and are mesmerizingly interesting for some of the boring topics they chose. I am happy and a little disappointed with my two final products that came out of this project. I have learned valuable life lessons on time management and the what comes out of pushing things aside.

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