Hello Ms Willemse, Hello spirit of Hughes.gointograceland

Thank you for coming to my Summer Grade 10 Student led Conference. I am the person truly in control of my learning and I understand that more and more every day in andout of school. Every decision I make has repercussions down the road be them positive or negative. Today I reading and showing you a piece of my work that demonstrates my best evidence of work this year. I will be also showing you a piece of work that denominates where i have room for improvement.

Feel free to ask me any questions you have at any timefood.

The piece of work that I am most proud of is my Blue Sky design project. I am most proud of this project because i have put more effort and time into this project then any other project ever and i really think it shows it. Now to my blue sky blog post to learn more.  http://www.blog44.ca/nashj/2016/06/22/blue-sky-design/

When it comes to a piece of work that best describes work that I cold improve on is defiantly my little big story number 2. My little big story number two is a good example of me pushing important work to the side to complete even more important work. I should of been better with my time and equally postponed off my work. To my LBS1&2 blog post for more info. http://www.blog44.ca/nashj/2016/06/21/little-big-storry-12/


to conclude, this year has been a crazy but well enjoyed leanring and growing adventure. When I look back I can identify pieces of work that I am proud of and work that represent my room for improvement. I have made progress as a learner and as a person. 


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