Blue Sky Design

Blue sky Design. Blue sky was different this term. It was more focused on the process then the product. I actually think this blue sky style is much better. It makes failure feel good for some reason because I then think “wow so much room to improve…. willemse would like this… Quick document!’’ It also gives more of a platform to showcase effort because your not only showcasing your final product but also the whole bumpy process.

My blue sky design project. My project was to design a protective insert to put into your shoes to prevent the creasing of the toe region when walking. This was a hard task that took me about twenty hours in my fathers work shop. I had thought about this problem for quite a long time before the blue sky started, it was not util I was short for a problem that was aprove worthy from Willemse. It wasn’t until Jacob told me that I should create a crease protector, then It all clicked and i wrote up a form and got approved.

Over the twenty hours I spent working I failed many, many times. Stage one of production was to chose my materials. My father and a carpenter named Warren helped me Chose a foam for the base then a strong but kinda flex material to lay overtop.IMG_3731 Step two was to hand carve the shape I wanted out of foam. Each foam block brought took about forty five minutes to carve.

IMG_3734I carved around ten foam inserts till I was happy on a pair. Say about after carving 4 foam inserts i decided to try and fibre glass one. I laid fiber on top of the foam then doused them in the liquid glass to create “fibre glass” I did two layers on my first attempt. IMG_3778After the fibre glass hardened’s I move to carving the foam out. My first fibreglass casting was too small and thin for my shoe. My next casting was too big. IMG_3779Then my third casting was just right. I put an extra layer on the toe to reinforce toe while keeping the structure flexible. I sanded and dremeled out the foam until it was a nice fit.IMG_3815

The exhibition night. My table was the first one you see when you walk into the large PLP room, and I was totally ok with that. I was so proud of my creation and the effort i put into it. After so many hours and hard work I actually designed a original crease protector that works after drawing, drafting and improving.


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