Arizona n’ Nevada

I’ll warn you, this blog post is going to be a lot of words because of the two essays I wrote. But anyways the trip! The trip was great like all PLP trips, it opened my mind to another part of America I hadn’t seen before and I experienced the condensed learning of weeks over […]

TPOL Summer 2017 —-> GR 12

Why do I feel I am ready to advance to the next grade level? Address this question using carefully chosen examples from your learning portfolio Reflect on your growth as learner in Humanities I feel like I am ready for grade 12 because I’ve learned and grown.       _This year in humanities I have […]

Debate Battle Dome Extravaganza

I guess you can say that this unit is no longer, “Up for Debate” On June 14th our new unit was introduced to us as a Lord of the Flies / Debate hybrid. We split our selves into Lord of The flies teams for a few weeks in the beginning and got to it. We […]

Conceptualizing the Concept of Concepts

In PLP its not the 7 wonders of the world, we don’t learn about the Pyramids or Machu Pichu, in class we learn about the 7 Concepts of great intelligence. I have illustrated a pyramid to show how these seven concepts have meaning along with my explanation below. These seven concepts all challenge and affirm […]