TPOL Summer 2017 —-> GR 12

Why do I feel I am ready to advance to the next grade level?

  • Address this question using carefully chosen examples from your learning portfolio
  • Reflect on your growth as learner in Humanities

I feel like I am ready for grade 12 because I’ve learned and grown.

      _This year in humanities I have really learned what good work is. After much roasting from Willemse and Hughes towards me and my lack of production of work that meets their standards for me, I have grown. In previous years I have always believed that the products I create are above a certain standard no matter what. I now know that at times I create poor work, and that I am responsible for the many products that I am not happy with. Sometimes this poor work comes from being in-efficient at home or in class but either way I can always be better.  This year I have also learned that when I am not happy with my work I should not try and hide it and forget about it. Poor work is important for the good work to exist. A quote from the man him self Donald Trump represents this. “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war”. Example of my poor work is the Manhattan Project Project, I am not proud of this project and am leaning from its errors to better my education. And a portfolio post that represents the work I am proud of is my concept blog post. I worked hard and long on this one and more importantly I really thought about what matters for work to be quality, the thought. A project that represents work I enjoyed, my commitment and skills is the Macbeth project, I am disappointed in the official final product but am happy with what I did for the team and fun I had.


  • Reflect on work ethic 

——-Work Ethic is “a belief that work, hard work and diligence has a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character” I have a strong work ethic because I believe that work and what comes out of work is what represents you. If this work is not strong and diligent the representation of your character is altered from its highest peak. I always want to be represented as my highest self but I’ve Learned through PLP that its not the best work that your persona is born, its through the risks you’ve taken and the losses you’ve faced. My work ethic has dipped at times when I become run down with other classes but at my peak I believe I have a very strong work ethic. An example of my work ethic at its peak is my concept blog post and the Macbeth production I put hours and hours into these productions and my efficiency was at maximum capacity.


  • Work habits

——-My work habits can be pretty shocking. I work the hardest under pressure, but under pressure my work isn’t my most refined. When I work under pressure the products I create don’t represent the work I can do when I work with time on my side. I work hard and I’m proud of how hard I work, but that is one of my faults, efficiency. If I work for 5 hours I seem to create work that should of taken me four hours. This 20% loss of efficiency is my greatest fault, I am trying to fix this, and when I do fix it, my work will definitely improve. Today Willemse even told me that “I don’t have to work harder, I just need to change how I work”.

——-After my meeting with Hughes and Willemse to reflect on failed SLC one, I changed everything. My work habits and quality of work improved drastically. To prove this my Ortona and the ( Fallschrim Jäger Division ) x 2  post shows dedication and strong work ethic. Following this my next blog post on Helmut was in depth, and from then on I am proud of every blog post I have created in Term 3.

  • Areas for improvement

——-Like I’ve stated, my areas for improvement are to do with my work ethic and work habits. I work hard but lose valuable time in my inefficient areas of distractions and distress. I estimate I lose 20% of the work I could have had and this 20% is the difference between where I am as a learner, and where I want to go. I also want to Improve my attitude towards school. At the moment my attitude towards school is very bipolar, on good days when I’ve gotten a positive test back or positive encouragement from a teacher / peer I am happy and committed to my learning. On the downer days I am very turbulent and often come home cursing about how much I hate school and wish my standards for my self weren’t so high. I’d say many of these downer days are caused by physics so that alone will change next year, but every other variable I will need to learn to deal with more effectively.


  • What did/do you find frustrating about PLP work?

——- The main thing I find frustrating about PLP is the distribution of work, It feels like we have weeks where there isn’t much due and the work load is slowing down and then BLAM, a week later a bunch of stuff hits you. If the work was more balanced and spread throughout the year I personally feel that I would perform better and my work ethic, efficiency and quality of work would be better.


  • What did you learn about yourself during this year?

——-This year, I have learned what it will take me to become the learner I want to become. I have comprised my self a checklist of the most important (to me) things mentioned in this post that will guide me forward, I will keep this check list with me at all times to remind me of what I need to do.

– Learn from my failures

– Accept my failures

– Be efficient with my time and reduce the 20% of lost work

– Have a positive outlook on school especially on the bad days

  • What’s one goal you would like to set for yourself for next year?

Since everything in this post is pretty much serious goals I have set for my self, I will set my self a more light hearted and enjoyable goal for the next year.

This goal is to read more literature.

After reading Lord of the Flies, Three Day Road, Macbeth, Hamlet, Beowulf, Paradise lost and many other pieces of literature across PLP and Lit 12, I have gathered that books, poems and stories really aren’t that bad. I have realized that literature opens your mind and teaches you about the world. I spend too much time at home on the computer, Ipad, and Xbox experiencing the virtual world, I need to open up into the world of words.

I believe that for the progression of my character in a positive direction I also need to grow my knowledge and understanding of the things above my head. I need to grasp what is almost too far out of reach and climb my self up the rungs of life into a new age.

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