Facilitation on the final day.

_____ Today was my final day of high school and final class of PLP. Despite being a kind of sad and dreary day, I had on last presentation to make, my facilitation Friday. I was to present to the class a discussion on my topic of choice. I chose HIP HOP and I created a […]

Cubaniacs (for Nash from the future)

_____ PLP 12 traveled to the island nation of Cuba on April 21st, 2018. For 16 days 12 students explored the Caribbean island with their two humanities teachers and a very knowledgeable guide. I was one of the 12 students who was lucky enough (and smart enough) to go on this trip. The 16 days […]

Think: an Opinion Post.

_____ An intriguing quote was said in one of the CNN documentaries we watched, and it reignited a fire concerning a little something I have wrote about before. The News. Some historian said “theater is the most important part of terrorism” and it made me realize how true that was. As I thought about it […]

Jimmy Dean

_____ The 20th century was a time when people and events shaped the world at a degree that had not been recorded before. The path humanity was taking changed its direction constantly and the people of this time were as much contributors as they were helpless casualties. The people, events and personalities are now representative […]

World War II

_____ World War II was a large chunk of our History 12 agenda that we learned about through the month of March. While History 12 is a journey through time, our World War II section was a journey within its self, taking the class through the worlds greatest conflict. Over two weeks we learned about […]