Facilitation on the final day.

_____ Today was my final day of high school and final class of PLP. Despite being a kind of sad and dreary day, I had on last presentation to make, my facilitation Friday. I was to present to the class a discussion on my topic of choice. I chose HIP HOP and I created a slide deck including five questions that were supposed to create discussion deeper than surface level.

_____ The topic of Hip Hop was easy for me to work on because it is something I am passionate about. I love the history of hip hop, the process and overall effect it has made on western culture. My generation is often associated with Hip Hop and I believe this is justified. My friends and I, and most youth enjoy listening to the Hip Hop artists of today. We enjoy being a part of something moving and inspirational and it provides a connection between us all.

These are my slides I presented.

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