The Way Back Machine

Over the last week Chris and I have created a explain everything that is about how the right to vote went from a privilege to a right in Canada for all segments of society. This explain everything was one of the hardest ones I have ever had to create for a few different reasons.

The creation process started with the class learning about the history of voting in Canada. The second step was to turn our learning into a thesis for our explain everything that answers the driving question of “how did the right to vote go from a privilege to a right”. Through much revision and change we landed on the thesis of ” through social movements the government was put into awkward situations forcing them to franchise the minority’s groups” After we nailed the thesis and had it approved by the teachers we moved onto the creation process which was the normal battle between my iPad and I. Chris and I had to create a script as well which I Never find fun. The hard part of creating this explain everything was portraying the information correctly and well while still being a explain everything.

In reflection looking back at the final product I am rather happy with it. I think it’s creative how we used real life footage blended in with our explain everything. I do believe that our execution of some of the visuals could of been better. But I do vouch that our creative way of delivering information through the conversation style of film overlaying over slides that only add to the deliverance of the message. In conclusion this was a harder explain everything to do that required serious brain effort to pull off.

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