Debate Battle Dome Extravaganza

I guess you can say that this unit is no longer, “Up for Debate” On June 14th our new unit was introduced to us as a Lord of the Flies / Debate hybrid. We split our selves into Lord of The flies teams for a few weeks in the beginning and got to it. We […]

Conceptualizing the Concept of Concepts

In PLP its not the 7 wonders of the world, we don’t learn about the Pyramids or Machu Pichu, in class we learn about the 7 Concepts of great intelligence. I have illustrated a pyramid to show how these seven concepts have meaning along with my explanation below. These seven concepts all challenge and affirm […]

Ortona and the ( Fallschirm Jäger Division ) x 2

In the summer of 1943 the Allies invaded Sicily, the southern most city in Italy, and this was the physical start of the Italian campaign. This campaign was designed by the Allies to spread the German strength and allow Allied troops to push towards Germany from the soft underbelly of Europe (Italy). Allied troops pushed up […]

MacBeth in ww2

As of February 28th, the filming / editing / everything isn’t nearly completed for the MacBeth WW2 video. We have worked so many hours after school and in school but we still have so much more to go. This project has taught me a lot. I have learned that the biggest of messes of situations […]

David Charles Motley, a WWII tribute.

David Charles Motley was a BC born man who joined the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve at age 19. Motley attended high school for 1 year then dropped out and worked in labour until he volunteered to participate in the war where he eventually died. I chose David Charles Motley because I wanted someone who […]

Being a Bootlegger, was it worth it?

The roaring twenties, more like the rotten twenties. 1920 in Canada started off rough, a fifteen percent unemployment rate, unrest among returning soldiers from the great war and a collapse in the wheat market making farmers suffer. But by the mid twenties things started to look up, demand for Canadian materials increased and employment improved. But behind […]

The Great Seycove Trenches

Time in the trenches was not comfortable living, nor was it easy, enjoyable or remotely happy. But in these rat riddled rotten trenches history was made. Canada took WWI by storm, a new power in a new war, Canadian soldiers fighting for something bigger than them selves, national identity. Canadians became themselves during World War […]