Poetic Laurier

Welcome to blog post 1 of the year, I’m sorry it’s late (good way to start the year I know) I have decided to do something out of comfort zone today. Since reading some of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (prologue) in Lit12 I have found a love for rhyming scheme stories / poems. I enjoy the sarcastic, […]

The summer conundrum

The summer conundrum Every summer that rolls around I arrive at the same place within my self, where I have to ask my self a question. This question really matters to me and has a major impact on my next three months. I have to decide wether I want to do nothing all summer or […]


Hello Ms Willemse, Hello spirit of Hughes. Thank you for coming to my Summer Grade 10 Student led Conference. I am the person truly in control of my learning and I understand that more and more every day in andout of school. Every decision I make has repercussions down the road be them positive or negative. […]

Blue Sky Design

Blue sky Design. Blue sky was different this term. It was more focused on the process then the product. I actually think this blue sky style is much better. It makes failure feel good for some reason because I then think “wow so much room to improve…. willemse would like this… Quick document!’’ It also […]


The great big stories… Erm I mean the Little big stories. These stories are two projects of mine that I created movies on. As a class we are following in the footsteps of CNN and sites like buzzfeed by creating short stories that are focused around small pieces of big things that are impactful and […]

The Loraine Motel

As l am writing this blog post I am standing in front of the LoraineMotel   My third reflection is on the Loraine motel and how it is an example of business that serve both white and African American client ell. In my podcast with Christopher we discuss this topic in a brief but educational way. On a […]


Nash’s Job shadow project. I wanted to job shadow an artist who designs anything. So I decided to choose a artist in the Film Industry, I knew that was a good place to start was my dad, a member of IATSE (film production Union) so I called my father to ask if I was allowed to shadow […]

why that rights act thing was cool

Hello people who read this, today I am writing about reflection number 2. The last week we learned about the klan, the civil rights and other fun stuff. I chose to write about the civil rights act think that was passed in the land before time. (1964) I wanted to answer the question “why it […]